Reference :- Chris Kenny has consulted reef expert Peter Ridd concerning the health of The Great Barrier Reef .
Thank you Chris . What a relieve to hear that our polyps are thriving , despite grim news from scientists. Worldwide half the coral reefs are gone , but clearly here in Australia our tremendous efforts at conservation have been effective . Of course , scientists here tell us that we are losing our reef , but thankfully Sky News has established a dialogue with rebel expert Peter Ridd who tells us we have nothing to fear .
Ken junior is a cautious type , and has questioned Mr Ridd's bona fides , although if you say he is kosher , Chris , that is good enough for me . Ken junior says Mr Ridd is up to his frontalis in donated money and legal complications and just lost a case in the High Court involving a seven figure sum . But what has that to do with the reef ? And who better than a renegade physicist to assess reef ecology ?
Mr Ridd wrote a book about the " input admittance of a horizontal antenna over a two layered lossy halfspace " , so nobody could question his credentials regarding polyp proliferation . And to quote from a lawyer's submission , he has the confidence to " trivialise satirise and parody " his fellow scientists , which is always the mark of an astute expert , as you well know .
Mr Ridd tells us that polyps are " like cockroaches " and simply move on to a better place if local conditions deteriorate . I wonder where 50% of the world's polyps have moved to Chris ? Obviously somewhere out of sight . Since they are as adaptable as cockroaches perhaps they are hiding in the Simpson Desert or something ?
Anyway Chris , I beg your indulgence with this . Ken junior has written another of his poems , and I promised to include it in a Sky Reply post . You seem like a generous type , so I am sure you won't mind giving the lad some encouragement , despite his green proclivities .
Don't Worry About The Polyps .
by Ken junior
It simply beggars belief ,
That we're losing The Barrier Reef ,
So just listen to SKY,
For a comforting lie ,
That will save you from suffering grief .
Thanks Chris. If Ken junior publishes his book of poems you will receive a copy gratis .
Your comrade , Ken
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