Monday, December 7, 2020

Reference :- The Chinese are looking at other countries as a possible source of Covid19.

Reference :-  Sky News is shocked that the Chinese are even considering Australia as a source of the dread contagion .  

Here at The Sky Reply we usually turn to Ken junior when we need to do some research on the computer .  It is often amazing what he finds .   After hearing that our trade partners in the Orient might end up blaming another country for clapping everybody up with the so called "China virus ", Ken junior decided to take a look at the history of international disease blaming .   

We in no way suggest that the Chinese are blameless , or even acting reasonably . We just don't know . But it is interesting to note how our species has attributed blame for spreading contagion in the past . 

For starters few scientists believe the " Spanish Flu " originated in Spain . It most likely started at a military base in Kansas USA . 

Our species has a grim history of death from pestilence going right back to biblical times , so there is no shortage of diseases we can reference .  But  Ken junior thought that syphilis makes an ideal candidate for a brief study . 

Nobody is sure where syphilis  came from , though the New World is a prime suspect .  Here is a list , by no means complete , of how different countries laid blame for the terrible disease . 

 The British called it  " The French Disease " 

 The French called it   " The Italian Disease " 

 The Dutch called it      " The Spanish Disease " ' 

 The Turks called it        "The Christian  Disease " 

 The Hindus called it      " The Muslim Disease " 

 The Muslims called it     " The Hindu Disease " 

  The Russians called it    " The Polish Disease  "

 The Polish called it         " The German Disease "     ....and on and on . 

 Of course we now live in more enlightened times . 

 I doubt we would use a pandemic as an excuse to denigrate another culture these days. Especially since we need cooperation to develop  and distribute a  "China virus " vaccine .

Your comrade , Ken

1 comment:

  1. Mrs. Margaret Keenan, who turns 91 next week and has a daughter, a son and four grandkids, received the vaccine from nurse May Parsons at University Hospital in Coventry. Known to family and friends as Maggie, Mrs. Keenan said: “I feel so privileged to be the first person
