Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Reference :- Bearded Sky anchor , Paul Murray , called the American Democrats " a bunch of losers "

Reference :-   Paul Murray interviewed shape shifting conservative politician Mark Latham , and they discussed the polls leading up to the presidential election .

That's the way Paul , old son .  What a witty line .  How do you come up with them ?     " A bunch of losers " you said .  Brilliant stuff Paul , there is nothing like a puerile insult to establish you superior credentials in any debate .  

Of course , the focus  of your interview was the fact that the polls show that the " bunch of losers " are actually winning , while his holy grand magnificence , or whatever he calls himself ,  Donald Trump , is losing support .

Naturally, as you say ,  there could be no better proof that the polls are wrong . Probably run by a " bunch of losers " too Paul .  (    Please excuse me for quoting you so often , but it is such a coruscating line that I wonder why nobody has thought of it before . )

 Young Mark Latham sure opened my eyes when he said that the USA , once the world's greatest democracy, has become a "freak show "of late .    That is the sort of fresh information and detailed analysis that we have come to expect from your presentations Paul.    Keep up the good work . 

 Anyway Paul  here is a quote from the great late social commentator George Carlin ,  from decades  ago.

 " When you are born into this world you get a ticket to the freak show . If you are born in America you get a front row seat . "  

    I wonder why it has taken some people so long to figure that out ?

Please offer my best wishes  to young Mark .     

    Your comrade , Ken .          

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Reference :- Golden tongued Sky anchor Alan Jones must not watch the ABC news very often .

Reference :-   Alan Jones complained that the full statistics for the coronavirus pandemic are never reported to us , leaving us with a distorted impression of its severity .

 Say Jonesie ,  maybe you ( or your researchers ) need to drop your cherry pickers for a moment and tune the tele to the ABC .   You say nobody tells us how many people have been tested for coronavirus , how many people are actually hospitalized in ICU , or the ages of the afflicted and the dead . 

But , the ABC does relay that information to the general public regularly , along with a lot of other  excellent content , for twenty cents per person per day . (And with the funding cuts , soon it will be even less than twenty cents . )

Pretty good value I reckon .  Of course , one still has to dial up a commercial station from time to time just for the ads .   How else is a chap going to hear about the latest accessory that allows him to gamble while riding his jet ski ?
 Anyway , I would avoid the sensational commercial news channels if I was a serious commentator like you Jonesie .  The last time I experienced distortions as bad as the ones they inflict upon us was in the mirror maze at a traveling circus .    

 Your comrade , Ken

P.S.   By the way ,  have you noticed that half the coronavirus deaths in the USA are now in the 45 to 75 yrs age group?   Your researchers should be able to morph that into something you can rant about .

Monday, July 27, 2020

Reference :- Gaunt from worry , Sky anchor Rowan Dean has been warning us of the horrors we face .

Reference :-    Rowan Dean took to the street to interview people about the offensive cancel culture creeps and protestors who are destroying civilization as we know it .

To be sure Rowan , the cancel culture , as it is  called , is a bit of a nuisance .  Even hard line leftie intellectuals like Noam Chomsky find them an unwelcome distraction .   I notice you failed to mention him when you listed other prominent lefties , and fair enough too . He is way too clever  for most people .  Did you ever see that fierce debate between Noam and the conservative icon William F Buckley junior ?  Poor young William was so outclassed intellectually that one felt like shooting him to put him out of his misery .  (And for a few other reasons also ).

 Don't feel bad about the fact that nobody wanted to talk with you .  There was no need to pretend that it was because they feared becoming victimized by a cohort of cancel culture canards .   They merely appeared to be somewhat shy , and perhaps uncomfortable with your dishevelled , tousle haired Boris Johnson appearance .

 Anyway , Rowan , like you I also deplore name calling , impolite discourse and disrespectful references to people in authority . It will be a sad day if we ever see examples of such behaviour on Sky News .  

  And also like you , Rowan , I find it alarming to watch the civic disobedience occasioned by the  pandemic , the chaotic black lives matter (too)   protests  , and the latest in the three hundred year long packed cavalcade of capitalism's collapses.   And  I think you are entirely correct when you assert that this perfect storm of crises is being used by the left to try and completely overturn western civilization so that we never return to the way we were. 

But as far as I am concerned , that is the only good thing about it all. 

 Your comrade ,  Ken

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Reference :- Sky News anchor , Rita Panahi , may have contradicted herself ...a bit .

Reference :-   Rita Panahi , usually a fan of private enterprise , complained that  the Victorian government had used a private security company to supervise folk in lockdown .  The security people failed in their duty of care . 

Indeed Rita , that was a monumental screw up , so I hear .  Never underestimate the sex appeal of a chap in a uniform  , they always say .  And it's quite likely that other inconvenient viruses may have been transmitted while all that saucy behaviour was going on .

Anyway , you need to shore up your support for private enterprise before folk start to think you are becoming a " Marxist " ( that is the ideology we demonize to distract from the real villains these days , I believe ).

Here at the Sky Reply , we have been thinking about how you can  deal with your 
critics .  Monte ( the motorcyclist )  said you could point out that one small dodgy security firm should not reflect badly on the huge corporations that buttress the walls of free market capitalism .

But then , Ken junior reminded us that those big companies , and the private  banks , screw us so badly that the entire world is plunged into a financial crisis every few years .  In fact , they screw up so often that terms  like   " recession "  "depression "  " downturn "  " economic crisis "   " housing bubble " and " crash "  frequent popular parlance .  Along with other terms  , like " corruption "  " overcharging "  " tax haven "  " million dollar fines "   " insider trading "  " price fixing "  " litigation "   and on and on .   Ken junior does make a good point .

But we have another strategy up our sleeve .   As you well know Rita , the default position is always to blame  the government , and it works really well .   It works so well that after governments bailed out the oligarchs during the GFC   ( to the tune of trillions )  all we heard about was the rise in government debt occasioned by " inefficient " governments .

So Rita , this is what we suggest .   You should not say that the Andrew's government made a mistake by not supervising the lockdown themselves , and contracting a dodgy private security firm for the job .   That gives the impression that you believe the government is more competent .   Why not say that the Andrew's government should have employed a private human resources company to decide which security firm to hire ?   

Ken junior said he reckons there must be at least one firm that isn't dodgy  . Though I wasn't sure if he was talking about the security firms or the human resources ones .

There is no need to thank us for our advice .

Your charming voice on the tele is all the thanks we need .  

  Your comrade , Ken

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Reference :- The three stooges of Sky News , Rowan Dean , Rita Panahi , and James Morrow attacked " the left " ...again .

Reference :-   Sky News is shocked by the opportunistic behaviour of what they call " the deranged left ".

How great to see three of my favourite news reporters ...I mean news commentators ...ganging up to take on the " deranged left " .  And I do like the way you insert derogatory adjectives  in your headlines , which saves us the trouble of deciding for ourselves whether some group is deranged or not . 

Anyway , you say the "deranged left " is using the coronavirus pandemic as a weapon to damage President  Trump's reputation .   I find that utterly incredible .    Could you ever imagine the " deranged right " using the pandemic to vilify somebody .  Like , I don't know,  the Labor Premier of Victoria , Daniel Andrews , for example .     The right would never stoop so low .

Keep up the good work.  

Hypocrisy lurks in every corner these days , and we need you to highlight it .
                               Your comrade ,  Ken .

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Reference:- Columnist Andy Bolt has hit the big time .

Reference :-   Columnist Andy Bolt now writes for leading newspaper , The Toowoomba Chronicle .

Andy , I was pleasantly surprised to see your full page technicolor column in the Toowoomba Chronicle yesterday!   I have missed all your previous columns because for years I have bypassed the Chronicle on the news stand , thinking it was just another advertising brochure for the fossil fuel industry .  Fortunately we do get the Chronicle out here in Kooralya , so I must make a point of following you from now on .

Anyway , it was a great picture of a deluded nutjob rapper  that you presented as a representative of the left .  It even scared me .  The picture was a good size too, which meant that you could fill an entire page without bothering to write many actual words .  But here's  a tip Andy ,  be careful you don't detract from that headline photo of yourself too much .  It's been a favourite of mine for decades , and reminds me of your halcyon days before the whisky had taken it's toll.

 I have always admired the knack you have for fanning the flames of racism by pretending to call it out , and this column was a classic example  .   As my uncle , a Major in the British Army based in Burma used to say  " It smooths the progress of business if we keep the natives fighting among themselves ."   In this instance , your column usefully deflects  attention from the fact that fossil fuel companies in the region are sacrificing some of the best agricultural land in the world to make money for oligarchs .

Lastly , I see your campaign to save the country from a deluge of fake aborigines and the ABC has not stalled.  Please also maintain your rage against the lies concerning  "  colonialism ! exploitation ! slavery! and genocide ! "  which never happened .     (   I hope the exclamation marks don't alarm you Andy , since  I am only quoting directly from your sensibly restrained column . )

Looking forward to seeing more of your work  in the Chronicle , 

Your comrade , Ken

Monday, July 20, 2020

Reference :- Ways of looking at statistics , Part 3.

Reference :-    Sky anchor Alan Lazarus Jones dazzled us with his profound understanding of statistics .

Good morning again Alan .  You sure have an impressive grasp of statistics .  I mean , everybody knows that 99 % of folk who get clapped up with coronavirus suffer mild or no symptoms .  And everybody  knows we have only had about 120 deaths . Yet  the epidemiologists , doctors , politicians and the media , carry on as though people are dying at the rate experienced in some third world hell hole .  Like the USA , for example .  As you point out , other health issues kill more people than coronavirus , and that's the sort of perspective we need .
People have lost their common sense , Alan .  I mean yesterday alone more people had to get a tooth extracted than caught coronavirus . But you don't see epidemiologists running about in a panic telling us we will all be edentulous in no time unless we shut down the economy and spend billions stockpiling false teeth .  And just like your other analogies , that highlights  the stupidity of it all.

Ken junior keeps pointing at  Georgia USA  where the graph of infections is steeper than the north face of the Eiger . He reckons that has something to do with easing lockdown weeks ago and the state governor deciding to sue the Mayor of Atlanta for mandating the use of face masks in public .   But I ask you Jonesie , how does that make sense ?  Ken junior is but a callow youth , and has much to learn . 

Which reminds me , Ken junior wants to run a question past you regarding those climate change statistics you so often quote .  I don't know what he is on about , so keep a weather eye out for it in a forthcoming post .     

Your comrade , Ken

  PS    Sky Reply contributor Monte ( the motorcyclist ) just told me that the cap on his front tooth keeps falling off , but the local hospital dental clinic can't afford to fix it properly due to funding cuts .    So maybe you better not use the tooth analogy Jonesie, in case  it opens a can of worms .   A shame, since it would have been one of your best yet .

Friday, July 17, 2020

Reference . Hot on the heels of Peta Credlin's unintended praise of socialism , Sky News anchor Chris Smith praised another well known socialist .

Reference : -  Sky News favourite , Paul Murray ,  let Chris Smith take his studio for a test run , and the result was a record number of thumbs down from the faithful .

Well Chris , to be fair , " the optics ",  as they ridiculously say these days , were bad .   A gentleman in a suit and striped tie is not going to look good in front of a Golden Fleece oil can and a glaringly inauthentic rendering of a Torana  in a plastic frame .    A record 500 plus thumbs down !     Where is Paul anyway ?    Even if he is off somewhere having his cholesterol pumped out , he should at least keep an eye on his man cave . 

 The praise you heaped upon entertainer Ricky  Gervais almost gave the impression you fancied him . Which is no disgrace , since  Ricky is a huge supporter of gay marriage .    But do you realise that Ricky is about as left politically as you can go without vanishing from sight ?   He describes himself as a " socialist snowflake " .   And furthermore he has an honours degree in one of those worthless philosophy subjects that are so often ridiculed by conservatives .   

Who is writing the stuff for you and Peta at the moment Chris ?   It might be worth investigating the possibility that Sky News has been infiltrated by Marxists .      My advice is that you pull this segment from the airwaves immediately and deny it ever happened .    And when Paul returns from  having his mitral valve debrided , or whatever he's doing , it might be wise to bung up another framed picture beside the Torana , just to freshen the place up a bit .    Ken junior found a great picture of a bloke in a baseball cap doing a burnout in a Mustang while drinking a can beer , when he was at the Kooralya tip last week .   You couldn't ask for a better image to coax back your true aussie  supporters .

Ken junior says you can have it gratis , so the price is right .
 Although if you could slip us a few quid to cover postage it would be greatly appreciated , you know how overheads can get out of hand.     

 Your comrade , Ken . 

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Reference :- Sky Reply contributor , Gabbo , philosphised about the news media .

Reference :-   It's been awhile since Gabbo has written a post . So we decided to give him a free hand with this .

Dear Reader , 

 Firstly,  please accept an apology for my extended absence  from The Sky Reply . I have been busily occupied with a doctoral thesis on climate change .  Strangely , I was motivated to study by a desire to debate climatologist Mr Andrew Bolt on equal terms . I have since discovered that his tertiary education  ( drop out ) wouldn't get him a job at Red Rooster these days . Nonetheless , I still thank him for his inspiration .
As a break from study , I started to ponder the odd way the news is presented to us these days . It seems that the key element in the daily news has become the propagation of fear .

A short list of theses fears , by no means complete , could include the following .

Fear of Coronavirus .

Fear of Global Warming .

Fear of  Corporate Greed .

Fear of  Environmental Destruction .

The so called " left " media  warn us of these pressing issues , on a daily basis .

And the so called " right " media tell us that they are fake news  , on a daily basis .

It might appear that an optimist would prefer to watch the so called " right " media .  An optimist could then look at the list above ,  draw a line through each item , and get on with life untroubled .

But sadly , that is not the case . The "right " media have  no desire to reassure us . They want to keep us afraid ,  and simply wish to shift our fears to align with their own agenda .  

 The "right " media might make these statements , for example :-

Coronavirus is nothing serious .... and  the damage to our economy from overreacting is crippling  .

Global warming is fake .... and phasing out coal will make electricity unaffordable .

Big corporations provide us with jobs ....and government regulations are driving them away .

The environment has never been healthier .... and climate activists are creating chaos in our cities .

One can cross out the fear on the left , and circle the new fear on the right . ( No pun intended . )

 I mentioned all this to Sky contributor , Ken junior ,  the other day, and said , 

" There appears to be a shortage of polite intelligent discourse and genuinely informed opinion in the media these days ."

And Ken junior replied

  " That's not true , there are plenty of well informed commentators ..... and nobody listens to them . "

I wonder if that is right ..... or maybe left ?   It's quite worrying .

Your comrade ,  Gabbo .


Reference . Ways of looking at statistics , Part 2.

Reference :-  The doyen of Sky News , Alan Jones ,  gave a stern lecture about coronavirus statistics.

 Oopsie daisy Jonesie , you bungled that more than somewhat .   For weeks now you have been running around gleefully quoting the coronavirus statistics , and must surely know the numbers by heart .  But comparing them with the figures for swine flu was a mistake .  That was not just like  "comparing apples to oranges" .
 A more accurate  metaphor would be  " comparing apples to aardvarks '.     Though to your credit , you did appear to suddenly realize the enormity of your mistake as the interview ended .  (  Those accustomed to your delivery style would have noticed the subtle way you stopped shouting at everybody .)

 Anyway Jonesie , to recap , you kept saying that the numbers for swine flu were similar to the numbers for coronavirus  , adding  "  and we didn't have a lockdown then ! "

Ummmm, yeah ..... that is precisely why the numbers can't be compared Jonesie .  

 The lockdown has reduced the coronavirus numbers hugely , yet they are still similar to the swine flu numbers sans lockdown . 

It was encouraging to observe  that you did appear to arrive at that conclusion near the end of the interview .   Ken junior reckons you might still rant and rave about the numbers , but I don't know Jonesie , I reckon you are better than that . And there is no shortage of other news for you to shout about , and hence no need to make of fool of yourself any further . At least on that topic .

 Your comrade , Ken 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Reference:- The Sky News anchors use the term "Marxist " a lot these days .

Reference :-  It seems the term " socialist " has lost it's sting at Sky News . 

 Dear purveyors of brilliant insight ,

 In earlier days you could easily scare the great unwashed by using the words " communist "    "socialist  "  " anarchist " and "activist "  interchangeably .  You could use these terms to denigrate  anybody you didn't like , and though in reality they have very different meanings ,  you chucked them about without concern for their precise definition .    But no more . 

 Sadly , these days , people have finally  noticed that the most liveable countries in the world with the happiest people describe themselves as  "socialist " , so this term has lost it's sting .  Likewise when the Soviet Union broke up the term " communist " started to seem less threatening and somewhat dated .   Recently  the term "activist " has been watered down by the hardworking mums and dads protesting about climate change .

That left only the word " anarchist " , as a tool with which to terrify . Unfortunately it has a certain "  conspiracy theory " ring to it and one doesn't like to appear to be a nutjob .      Which brings us to your current rediscovery of the term " Marxist " .

It's actually a pretty good word to scare folk with .   It is short and sharp , with harsh consonants , and immediately evokes images of a weird looking foreign chap with a wild beard  who is surely up to no good .
 And best of all , nobody has a clue what it means ( fear of the unknown being very powerful ).

Well picked , I say .   You have tried hard to turn terms like " environmentalist " and "scientist " and
"epidemiologist"  into insulting labels , without very much success , but you could be on a winner with this Marxist one .

Anyway , Sky Reply contributor , Monte  ( the motorcyclist ) wants to know just exactly what a Marxist is and why that is so bad .  I am sure you can help with that , although I don't know why he is interested . 

The way you spit out the word tells me all I need to know about their evil death cult .

Keep up the good work .  It's nice to see the team staying one step ahead of the crowd .

Your comrade , Ken .

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Reference :- The great church of Hagia Sophia , in Istanbul , is about to become a Mosque ..again . 

Reference :-   Andy Bolt praised the wonders of western civilization , and mourned the fate of the great church of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul . He did overlook a wafer thin sliver of history , by mistake.

Andy , this was a great topic for you to bring up.   I know Istanbul very well.   Back in the halcyon days of my youth ( before you were born )  I lived there .   In those days I would buy Turkish rugs in the Grand Bazaar  , and sell them for a profit at the Khan-el-Khalili in Cairo .   While in Egypt I would search the Souks for Egyptian rugs to take back to Turkey , which I sold to merchants in the Grand Bazaar who couldn't get enough of them .   Ah , I lived well , with one pocket stuffed full of Turkish Lira  , while  the other overflowed with Egyptian Pounds .

So Andy , you made quite an error when you sneered at the evil Muslims who had  invaded Constantinople in 1453 , under the leadership of the very young Sultan , Mehmed the Conqueror .
What the young Mehmed found  as he rode through the legendary city shocked him .  This had been  the greatest city in the world in it's time , ten times the size of any other .  But it was now a tragic shadow of it's former glory . Mehmed was a highly cultured man . He was so moved that he recited lines from a poem to reflect the sadness he felt upon viewing  the ruins of the great city, which  had been pillaged 250 years previously by the Christian soldiers of the Fourth Crusade .

The Crusaders had defiled the great church of Hagia Sophia , looting it's treasures .  Appalled by this , Mehmet ordered that his soldiers treat it with respect  . As you point out Andy , he had the beautiful mosaics , many of which were already damaged ,  plastered over to convert it to a Mosque ..
He did not have them destroyed . It was fellow Christians (  often a violent bunch ) who ruined Hagia Sophia during the Fourth Crusade in 1204 , not the Ottoman Turks .

Anyway Andy , getting back to those nostalgic thoughts about rug selling , I would often walk Istanbul's  ancient Hippodrome in the evenings to watch the swallows fly overhead and enjoy the smell of food and the sound of music wafting from the busy restaurants .  Sadly ,  the Hippodrome was also trashed  by the Crusaders  , which is why the magnificent Four Horses of St Mark are gone , and now reside in Venice. But one could imagine it's past splendour , and recall those lines of  Persian poetry  Mehmed the Conquerer once spoke . 

          "   The spider weaves the curtains , in the palace of the Caesars ,
               The owl calls the watches, in the tower of Afrasiab "

A sad lament indeed .    

    Your comrade , Ken .


Reference :- Sky anchor Peta Credlin praised a socialist ... possibly by mistake .

Reference :-   Peta Credlin appears to be an admirer of the founder of modern Turkey ,  Mustafa Ataturk .

We can hardly blame you for admiring Ataturk , Peta .  He was not just a courageous soldier and a beloved leader who brought such reforms as free education and equal rights for women to his country . He was also a man of great integrity and compassion , and damned good looking to boot .

But Peta , you have jeopardized your standing with your audience , since Ataturk was a self described socialist raised in a Muslim family .  Not only that , but though he sort to establish a true democracy in Turkey , he did rule as a dictator .     It's all rather complex , like most politics .

 The Sky News anchors make their baksheesh by belligerently shouting distortions of the truth at an audience which is either too lazy or stupid to think clearly .  People turn to you when they want an issue to be presented as black or white .  They prefer that analyses of a topic are simple and appeal to straight "common sense ".  Showing admiration for a socialist dictator with a Muslim background is sure to confuse the very folk you are trying to indoctrinate.

 Anyway Peta , you might have got away with it this time , since the topic (  actual real history ) is of no interest to your target audience .     

  But try to stay on the ball .   

 Your comrade , Ken .

Monday, July 13, 2020

Reference :- Sky Anchor Rita Panahi showed breathtaking insight.

Reference :- Rita Panahi believes that some activists involved in the black lives matter movement are also trying to bring down the capitalist system .

Holy cow Rita !     Who would have thought ?   Why would people who object to black folk being murdered  also object to 99.9 % of the world's population being economically subjugated by greedy capitalist oligarchs intent on destroying the planet ?  

  It takes a canny thinker such as yourself to link these two disparate concerns .

Do you think there could also be an overlap with climate change activism  ?

Let me know what you think .    Your comrade , Ken .

Reference :- Empathic Prime Minister Mr Scott Morrison enjoyed a few beers at the footy while his favourite team , the Cronulla Sharks, lost the game .

Reference:-   Andy Bolt drew upon the savvy of commentator Daisy Cousins to explain that Mr Morrison's behaviour was not insensitive ....this time . 

Andy , I must first apologize for not listening to Daisy through the entire interview .  It's not that I wasn't interested in what she had to say about our beloved Prime Minister going to the footy .   But sadly , poor Daisy is afflicted with a condition that makes her voice sound like a chainsaw penetrating a sheet of corrugated iron . It's not her fault , to be sure , and is clearly part of a broader syndrome that  affects her in other ways . However it is nice of you to give her some air time when you can't find anybody else who is interested in talking with you .

 Anyway Andy , Daisy did describe Mr Morrison's attendance at the footy as demure and low key , with sensible social distancing .  So imagine my surprise when I saw video footage of him sloshing beer everwhere , sitting a few inches from other fans with no mask , and whirling his scarf about his head like a stripper at a cheap nightclub .   At least he did ask for forgiveness beforehand , rather like a priest buying an indulgence before taking the altar boys on a camping trip.

Poor Mr Morrison , I do feel sorry for him .   He must have been very desperate to see his favourite team play a few overs ( is that what they call them in footy Andy ?  I am not much into the commercial exploitation of sport  . I don't even know what " The State Of Oranges " means )

 I can't help but think of the hugely disappointing loss that he witnessed after so looking forward to the game .

And as if that wasn't bad enough , his team was beaten as well .

 It sure is a tough job being a leader on the world stage .  

   Your comrade , Ken . 


Friday, July 10, 2020

Reference :- A quick update on how Georgia is faring during the pandemic .

Reference :-   Georgia is still on our minds as a test case for early easing of lockdown restrictions .

Dear cutting edge professional journalists at Sky News ,
                                                                                             I hope you haven't forgotten to keep an eye on the state of Georgia , USA , which we mentioned in a previous post .   As we said , it's a good test case for the early easing of lockdown .    Anyway , no doubt you are kept pretty busy making up stuff to get people angry about , as a service to the community , so perhaps you haven't had the time .

We are always keen to help our comrades at Sky News , so here is a quick precis of the current situation in Georgia .  You can use it to help fill your time slots , which ( and no criticism intended )
are disappointingly  devoid of content lately .  

The 7 day average for new coronavirus cases has now tripled since April .

The fastest growth rate for hospitalizations is now in the 18 to 32 yrs age group.

Governor Kemp has called out 1000 national guard members to cope with massive civil unrest

People are being shot at twice the rate they were a few weeks ago . 

However , apart from that , it's all going swimmingly , as far as we can see .

 Your comrade , Ken .

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Reference :- Ways of looking at statistics , Part 1 .

Reference :-  Keen statistician Alan Jones gave us his take on the cost of containing coronavirus .

Good morning Jonesie . It usually leaves me lost for words , or confused , when you start quoting statistics  , or as you like to call them  , " the facts " .   Sky Reply contributor , Monte ( the motorcyclist )  has a good brain for mathematics , and I often turn to him for clarification and perspective when you leave me floundering .

Last night you were so angry about the cost  of containing the pandemic that I  could almost see a graph showing the decline in your nett equity emblazoned on your forehead .    You went on to point out that we have spent 10% of GDP on pandemic measures , and only 106 people had died .   That's about 180 billion quid .  Consulting my trusty slide rule reveals  that we have spent about 1.7 billion quid per death .   That sure sounds like a lot to me .  It made me think we could have done the wrong thing with the lockdown , just like you say Jonesie , but then Monte offered a different perspective .

 Monte says that clearly it's not the 106 who died that we need to look at .  Using that logic , if only one person had died that would mean 180 billion quid per death .   It's the people who didn't die we should be looking at .   Monte reckons that a country , like Brazil , where they are very clapped up with virus is probably good for comparison .   So if we use the  death rate for Brazil as an indication of how Australia might have fared without our lockdown , it turns out that each life we saved has cost about 30,000 quid  .   That's still big bickies , but then again Monte reckons that most people  contribute far more than  that to the overall economy , often in a single year , let alone a lifetime .   And we have not even discussed the cost of serious civil unrest  in countries where the pandemic is poorly controlled . 

So maybe we have done the right thing after all Jonesie . What do you think ?

Your comrade , Ken

Monday, July 6, 2020

Reference :- Alan Jones is back !

Reference :-   After retiring from the 2GB Breakfast Show , for health reasons , Jonesie is back .

Gosh Jonesie , that was a quick recovery !  It's none of my business, but I do wonder what illness you suffered , since it was cured so swiftly .  Ken junior reckons it was probably something he calls
" advertiseritis "  possibly complicated by secondary "sponsoralgia" .   Whatever the heck they are.
Anyway , we flicked on the tube last eve , and Ken junior nearly jumped out of his skin when he unexpectedly saw you propped up behind a desk.   " It's the Return of Frankenjonesie ! " he blurted .
( He can be a cheeky bugger at times .  )

 Anyway , we listened to the entire show , which featured one of your trademark genius guests .  But blow me down if I can't remember a thing of relevance that was discussed .  I guess it does narrow one's repertoire when the pressure of commercial considerations curbs one's penchant for offensive rants .

Still, these are early days , and I am sure you will start abusing somebody soon enough .  For practice , you can start abusing The Sky Reply if you like .  We promise not to sue or sabotage any advertising contracts .   Watching most of the news media these days is like watching the World Wrestling and a fake ideological wrestling match on Sky News would not look out of place . 

Let me know what you think .  

   Your comrade , Ken

Friday, July 3, 2020

Reference :- So how are the coronavirus numbers going in Georgia USA ?

Reference :-   Andy Bolt thinks we made a mistake with the lockdown , so we have been watching the infection rate in Georgia USA , where they eased lockdown early in the pandemic .

Say Andy , remember how we mentioned that Georgia was easing lockdown a few weeks back ?   That made it a great test case  .   I know you must be kept busy searching for folk to interview whose medication doesn't make them appear too dopey , so I have saved you the trouble of checking the figures yourself .   I know that it is mostly only people of colour who are getting crook over in Georgia , but be that as it may , the statistics are still useful .

Since Governor Kemp , in his infinite wisdom , eased lockdown restrictions , the number of cases in his state has climbed faster than the interest rate on an overdue credit card .   Yesterday they reported about twice as many new cases as their initial peak in April.   If folk in Australia were getting clapped up with coronavirus at the same rate as folk in Georgia we would be penciling in 10 thousand new cases each day .   Ken junior reckons that it is because the honorable Mr Kemp eased lockdown too soon , but what do you think Andy ?
You have been pleading for us to get back to normal for weeks now  , and I am sure you must have researched the evidence carefully . I do like having a counter argument or two up my sleeve when Ken junior gets a bit big for his boots .

So Andy , do you think it could have something to do with " the crazy left intent on destroying western civilization " that you have been monitoring on our behalf ? I have no idea who they are or why they want to trash everything , having never met a representative of their evil death cult .  But I wouldn't mind betting that since they are responsible for every other catastrophe , they are responsible for Georgia's plight as well.

I look forward to your comments , which are always refreshingly free of ideology.

Your comrade , Ken . 

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Reference :- Peta Credlin apologised for being wrong .

Reference :-   After talking with representatives  of an immigrant community in Melbourne , Peta Credlin discovered she had wrongly accused them of spreading coronavirus .

Good on you for apologising Peta . We saw the apology on the tele , brief though it was .

That should douse the raging flames of racism before they spread .

  Your comrade , Ken