Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Reference :- Bearded Sky anchor , Paul Murray , called the American Democrats " a bunch of losers "

Reference :-   Paul Murray interviewed shape shifting conservative politician Mark Latham , and they discussed the polls leading up to the presidential election .

That's the way Paul , old son .  What a witty line .  How do you come up with them ?     " A bunch of losers " you said .  Brilliant stuff Paul , there is nothing like a puerile insult to establish you superior credentials in any debate .  

Of course , the focus  of your interview was the fact that the polls show that the " bunch of losers " are actually winning , while his holy grand magnificence , or whatever he calls himself ,  Donald Trump , is losing support .

Naturally, as you say ,  there could be no better proof that the polls are wrong . Probably run by a " bunch of losers " too Paul .  (    Please excuse me for quoting you so often , but it is such a coruscating line that I wonder why nobody has thought of it before . )

 Young Mark Latham sure opened my eyes when he said that the USA , once the world's greatest democracy, has become a "freak show "of late .    That is the sort of fresh information and detailed analysis that we have come to expect from your presentations Paul.    Keep up the good work . 

 Anyway Paul  here is a quote from the great late social commentator George Carlin ,  from decades  ago.

 " When you are born into this world you get a ticket to the freak show . If you are born in America you get a front row seat . "  

    I wonder why it has taken some people so long to figure that out ?

Please offer my best wishes  to young Mark .     

    Your comrade , Ken .          

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