Thursday, July 16, 2020

Reference :- Sky Reply contributor , Gabbo , philosphised about the news media .

Reference :-   It's been awhile since Gabbo has written a post . So we decided to give him a free hand with this .

Dear Reader , 

 Firstly,  please accept an apology for my extended absence  from The Sky Reply . I have been busily occupied with a doctoral thesis on climate change .  Strangely , I was motivated to study by a desire to debate climatologist Mr Andrew Bolt on equal terms . I have since discovered that his tertiary education  ( drop out ) wouldn't get him a job at Red Rooster these days . Nonetheless , I still thank him for his inspiration .
As a break from study , I started to ponder the odd way the news is presented to us these days . It seems that the key element in the daily news has become the propagation of fear .

A short list of theses fears , by no means complete , could include the following .

Fear of Coronavirus .

Fear of Global Warming .

Fear of  Corporate Greed .

Fear of  Environmental Destruction .

The so called " left " media  warn us of these pressing issues , on a daily basis .

And the so called " right " media tell us that they are fake news  , on a daily basis .

It might appear that an optimist would prefer to watch the so called " right " media .  An optimist could then look at the list above ,  draw a line through each item , and get on with life untroubled .

But sadly , that is not the case . The "right " media have  no desire to reassure us . They want to keep us afraid ,  and simply wish to shift our fears to align with their own agenda .  

 The "right " media might make these statements , for example :-

Coronavirus is nothing serious .... and  the damage to our economy from overreacting is crippling  .

Global warming is fake .... and phasing out coal will make electricity unaffordable .

Big corporations provide us with jobs ....and government regulations are driving them away .

The environment has never been healthier .... and climate activists are creating chaos in our cities .

One can cross out the fear on the left , and circle the new fear on the right . ( No pun intended . )

 I mentioned all this to Sky contributor , Ken junior ,  the other day, and said , 

" There appears to be a shortage of polite intelligent discourse and genuinely informed opinion in the media these days ."

And Ken junior replied

  " That's not true , there are plenty of well informed commentators ..... and nobody listens to them . "

I wonder if that is right ..... or maybe left ?   It's quite worrying .

Your comrade ,  Gabbo .


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