Monday, July 20, 2020

Reference :- Ways of looking at statistics , Part 3.

Reference :-    Sky anchor Alan Lazarus Jones dazzled us with his profound understanding of statistics .

Good morning again Alan .  You sure have an impressive grasp of statistics .  I mean , everybody knows that 99 % of folk who get clapped up with coronavirus suffer mild or no symptoms .  And everybody  knows we have only had about 120 deaths . Yet  the epidemiologists , doctors , politicians and the media , carry on as though people are dying at the rate experienced in some third world hell hole .  Like the USA , for example .  As you point out , other health issues kill more people than coronavirus , and that's the sort of perspective we need .
People have lost their common sense , Alan .  I mean yesterday alone more people had to get a tooth extracted than caught coronavirus . But you don't see epidemiologists running about in a panic telling us we will all be edentulous in no time unless we shut down the economy and spend billions stockpiling false teeth .  And just like your other analogies , that highlights  the stupidity of it all.

Ken junior keeps pointing at  Georgia USA  where the graph of infections is steeper than the north face of the Eiger . He reckons that has something to do with easing lockdown weeks ago and the state governor deciding to sue the Mayor of Atlanta for mandating the use of face masks in public .   But I ask you Jonesie , how does that make sense ?  Ken junior is but a callow youth , and has much to learn . 

Which reminds me , Ken junior wants to run a question past you regarding those climate change statistics you so often quote .  I don't know what he is on about , so keep a weather eye out for it in a forthcoming post .     

Your comrade , Ken

  PS    Sky Reply contributor Monte ( the motorcyclist ) just told me that the cap on his front tooth keeps falling off , but the local hospital dental clinic can't afford to fix it properly due to funding cuts .    So maybe you better not use the tooth analogy Jonesie, in case  it opens a can of worms .   A shame, since it would have been one of your best yet .

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