Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Reference:- Columnist Andy Bolt has hit the big time .

Reference :-   Columnist Andy Bolt now writes for leading newspaper , The Toowoomba Chronicle .

Andy , I was pleasantly surprised to see your full page technicolor column in the Toowoomba Chronicle yesterday!   I have missed all your previous columns because for years I have bypassed the Chronicle on the news stand , thinking it was just another advertising brochure for the fossil fuel industry .  Fortunately we do get the Chronicle out here in Kooralya , so I must make a point of following you from now on .

Anyway , it was a great picture of a deluded nutjob rapper  that you presented as a representative of the left .  It even scared me .  The picture was a good size too, which meant that you could fill an entire page without bothering to write many actual words .  But here's  a tip Andy ,  be careful you don't detract from that headline photo of yourself too much .  It's been a favourite of mine for decades , and reminds me of your halcyon days before the whisky had taken it's toll.

 I have always admired the knack you have for fanning the flames of racism by pretending to call it out , and this column was a classic example  .   As my uncle , a Major in the British Army based in Burma used to say  " It smooths the progress of business if we keep the natives fighting among themselves ."   In this instance , your column usefully deflects  attention from the fact that fossil fuel companies in the region are sacrificing some of the best agricultural land in the world to make money for oligarchs .

Lastly , I see your campaign to save the country from a deluge of fake aborigines and the ABC has not stalled.  Please also maintain your rage against the lies concerning  "  colonialism ! exploitation ! slavery! and genocide ! "  which never happened .     (   I hope the exclamation marks don't alarm you Andy , since  I am only quoting directly from your sensibly restrained column . )

Looking forward to seeing more of your work  in the Chronicle , 

Your comrade , Ken

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