Reference . What's in a name ?
To quote the Australian poet C J Dennis , from " The Sentimental Bloke "
Wot's in a name ? she sez .... an sighs ,
an clasps 'er little 'ands an rolls 'er eyes ,
' A rose , ' she sez , ' be any other name .
Would smell the same .
The lads at The Sky Reply have found that the more one explores the notion of "Australia Day " , the more complex it becomes .
For starters , although there was an identifiable nation called Australia by the time C J Dennis took quill in hand , that nation did not begin on January 26th 1788. Our continent consisted of 6 separate colonies until the dawn of the twentieth century . The lads figure this means the the term " Australia Day " is something of a misnomer . The lads reckon that since the colony in New South wales was initially a poorly run prison administered by corrupt drunks ( The New South Wales Corps AKA " The Rum Corps " ) , perhaps we should look elsewhere for a moment that defines the birth of our nation .
The lads also do not favour the moniker " Invasion Day ". Not even Gabbo . Armed conflict with the indigenous population did not start until May 1788 . The lads also feel that the term "invasion " conjures images of a " D Day " type landing , when in fact there was a great deal of initial cooperation between whites and blacks . As the years passed many white explorers and settlers would not have survived were it not for the help they received from the indigenous inhabitants . And despite the atrocities , the loss of land , and the wholesale destruction of indigenous communities , there often existed pockets of cooperation between whites and blacks . The lads reckon we should clutch this kernel of goodwill and nurture it .
Anyway , after much discussion it was decided that neither "Australia Day " nor " Invasion Day " was suitable , and both monikers have the wrong vibe . Gabbo suggested that it would be better to call it " Reflection Day " . A day when we reflect upon our past , with it's mistakes and it's triumphs . A day to remember our forebears . A day to ponder the natural beauty of the continent we inhabit and our duty to respect it and the lives of the remarkable flora and fauna with which we share a unique landscape .
A day to contemplate the rich cultural diversity of our community and be thankful for the great contribution each culture has made to our way of life . And a day to remember the first Australians whose culture is the oldest in the world , and from whom we still have much to learn .
Happy " Reflection Day " .
Your comrade , Ken .
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