Friday, January 8, 2021

Reference:- The conservative media are lying low at present .

 Reference :-   Have the Sky News anchors thrown in the towel ?  Perhaps they need some encouragement from their leader , Mr Rupert Murdoch .  The Sky Reply has written to Mr Murdoch requesting his assistance . 

Dear most powerful media mogul in the history of the world , 

We understand that you must be a very busy man , and probably only have time to read the Sky Reply on an irregular basis .  We take no offense at that , of course .  Nonetheless we feel a duty to inform you of the shabby performance of your news anchors here down under , on your native soil . 

To be fair , they have had a lousy year . They have wrongly assessed almost every issue they chose to probe over the past annum .  And the more important  the issue , the worse their prognostications have been . 

To make matters worse , your media empire has been accused of promoting falsehoods and deception, thus spreading  propaganda which ultimately favours the prosperity of the elite .  There have been calls for a Royal Commission into the media , which is the last thing your news anchors need while their morale is low . 

When you have time , you should look at the banner headlines Sky News Australia was running when your key presenters took flight .    Most of them are laughingly ridiculous , but my son , Ken junior , reckons one of Peta Credlin's deserves special mention .   

"  The climate cult wants to destroy our livelihoods . "  ( You have to admit , it is hilarious . )

We haven't heard from Peta since , and I fear that shameful effort destroyed what little remained of her confidence . 

Andy Bolt has shot through to what he calls " the bush ".  ( Obviously he has never visited us here in Kooralya , so we can excuse him for calling an outer suburb of Melbourne " the bush ". )   Hopefully he is drying out , although he did mention that he was taking his whiskey with him . 

Chris Kenny became so obsessed with his war against the taxpayer funded ABC that he lost all ability to analyse current affairs . Even his most ardent fans have been  turning away . 

Rowan Dean and Paul Murray lost heart when their hero  Mr Trump lost the Presidential Election .  They seem reluctant to comment about the recent unpleasantness at the Capitol Building  that Mr Trump fermented  . 

Alan Jones has isolated himself after telling us there is no Covid  pandemic . Jonesie hates being wrong , and might have a bad case of the sulks . 

Anyway , Mr Murdoch ,  my point is that Sky News Australia  needs your help.  If there was another way to spread propaganda without resorting to lies and distortions , somebody would have found it by now .  So you are stuck with those as your only weapons .   But lies and distortions have a way of eventually floating to the surface . You need a strategy for such occasions so that your team doesn't become despondent.

Accordingly , the lads here at the Sky Reply are prepared to offer themselves as representatives of any leftie cause , or experts in any field of science , so your news anchors can interview them while they deliberately chuck the debate  .  That should restore the confidence of your team .  Since we hear you are not short of a quid ,  we would charge a small fee to cover our overheads .  It is in our best interests to see Sky News prosper , otherwise where does that leave The Sky Reply ? 

Your comrade , Ken, 

 P.S.  Our contributing editor , Gabbo  ( the aborigine ) , says he isn't interested in your filthy lucre , but that still leaves three of us . 



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