Reference :- Wiley weather boy , Rowan Dean , complained that the term " white supremacist " is too vague for him to define .
Don't fret Rowan , as usual The Sky Reply is here to help . After hours spent researching Latin roots and consulting various dictionaries and our bound copy of " Funk and Wagnall's " , we can confidently offer you a precise definition .
A white supremacist is somebody who believes the white race is the supreme race . I leave it to you to decide whether or not this might be considered an embryonic form of racism .
And Rowan , while we are on the subject , I reckon we should clear up another definition . After all , the books are now out on the kitchen table here at The Sky Reply , so we might as well look up something else .
Your news team does rant quite a lot about an organization called " Antifa ". Apparently that is a shortening of the term " Anti -fascist ". Here in Kooralya we don't much warm to the notion of fascism , conjuring as it does images of screeching dictators and jackboots . So an organization opposing fascism sounds like it might not be all bad .
Sadly however , it turns out that no such organization exists . The director of the FBI , Mr Chris Wray , has stated that Antifa simply does not exist . It is not an organization at all , but a slogan . When protestors wave " Antifa " banners they are making a statement of belief . Like folk who wave banners saying " jobs " or " peace " or " ban the bomb ".
Monte reckons that is a sorry situation , and that they should get their act together like the militant right , and form an organization with Generals and Supreme Wizards and Grand Poobahs and weapons training days .
I told him we have enough of that crap in the world already .
Your comrade , Ken .
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