Monday, June 1, 2020

Reference:- Will the blunders with government expenditure never cease?

Reference:-  Mathematically challenged minister  Angus Taylor looks like a genius with numbers compared with his comrades.

Well Angus , maybe you can relax a tad now.   That 15 million quid you overestimated when you were trying to trash the reputation of Sydney's mayor looks like small potatoes now .  Where do you chaps get you accounting advice ?    First there was the 60 billion overestimate for the job keeper allowance , and now another billion in the wrong column because people battling along on social security were wrongfully invoiced by some kind of debt robot .   You should pull the batteries out of that thing before it does more harm . Though I hear you guys are looking at giving it a quick grease and oil, before setting it loose again .

It pains me to see you guys having all this trouble balancing the books. After all , sound financial management is supposed to be your strong suit .  ( Like the banks , give or take the occasional financial crisis which isn't their fault . )

One of the contributing editors at The Sky Reply ,  Monte ( the motorcyclist ) has an amazing head for figures .  He can calculate fuel consumption figures  and gear ratios in his head . And with the aid of a slide rule he once calculated his Yamaha's speedometer error , occasioned by a gear ratio modification , in a few seconds .

I reckon he would be a whizz at balancing your books if you gave him a go. He is wise beyond his years and realizes the importance of being tight lipped about the exact source of certain brown envelopes , and knows how to conceal any baksheesh when required.

We look forward to hearing from you soon .  

 Your comrade , Ken

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