Reference :- Yes we are . It's fun .
Well Andy , I see the Australian Press Council has cautioned you about breaching standards . What a bunch of wowsers . Can't a boozed up middle aged neoliberal hack journalist mock a teenage girl and question her sanity in the hope of destroying her reputation these days ? Possibly , but you may have overdid it by suggesting that she is mad just because she believes what almost all of the world's scientists have told us . However, don't back down Andy . It's unfair . First she gets more attention than you . (How dare she ? ) And then , to make matters worse , you get your wrist slapped by the ethicists for calling her insane because she repeats the warnings of acknowledged experts .
I think you should come down hard on this crazy little foreign weirdo , no matter what the cost .
And if you destroy your career in the process , Alan Jones style , we will respect you all the more for your self sacrifice . Speak up like a man , I say .
Your career may be totally destroyed through merciless litigation as you are hounded through the courts by those who have sniffed blood . You may be cast out , penniless and broken, onto
those bleak plains of irrelevance that await bitter old hacks . But don't fret Andy , you can stay with us here at Kooralya . Though it looks like being a very cold winter , the warmth of the next bushfire season is already in our thoughts .
Out of respect for your contribution to standards in journalism we will let you stay rent free , though everybody has to chip in and do their share of the chores .
You look like a fit sort of a chap Andy , unlike your usurper Paul Murray , who is probably the breeding ground for a new type of diabetes . And the stables are a bit of a mess at present ,
so they can be your responsibility .
You never know , it could turn out that you quite enjoy muck raking .
Your comrade , Ken
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