Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Reference :- The home of iconic poet Dorothea MacKellar is threatened by a new coal mine .

Reference :-  Whitehaven Coal hasn't been doing too well on the ASX lately , but they have plans . This looks like an opportunity for Sky News weather man, Rowan Dean .

 Good morning Rowan  . Since it appears shabby from neglect , and is right in the way of a new coal mine ,  should we be worried that the home of Dorothea Mackellar might accidentally suffer damage ?  Whitehaven Coal is keen to honour it's commitment to full employment in the region . Oh , and it's commitment to making a few quid for shareholders too, of course , but it's plans for the homestead are unclear .

Dorothy loved Australia ,and lines from her  iconic poem " My Country "  are regularly quoted these days .   Her line " of droughts and flooding rains "  crops up all the time , since climate change deniers like your good self use them as historic evidence to help promulgate the doctrine  that the planet is not warming .   I wonder what Dorothea would think ?  She doesn't strike me as the type who would approve of her country being turned into a filthy coal pit , but who knows?

Anyway Rowan , the entire town of Acland being razed by a coal mining company does make me wonder about Dorothea's place , since it is only one historic house in need of a lick of paint .   Perhaps the irony of it all might cause too much embarrassment, but the captains of industry are often thick skinned .  So here's a tip for a story . (We could have sent it to anyone Rowan , but you are so short of material lately that you have to plagiarize songs by defunct bands to fill your time slot . )

 We reckon that in case Dorothea's historic home gets blasted to kingdom come , you  should go there to plant , and then " discover ", a few extra lines from her famous poem " My Country " that didn't make it to her publisher .  They could further support your position on global warming  by proving nothing is new .    Ken junior has suggested that  the following  verse , written in the matching iambic trimeter , should blend in seamlessly .

                                  And I love the glistening sight,
                                  Of a reef that's bleached all white ,
                                  And the firemen 's attire ,
                                  As they fight a record fire ,
                                 And when our fauna , so distinct  ,
                                  With no habitat , go extinct .
                                  There's no need to fear the dole ,
                                   In our land , so blessed with coal.

Just whip that up with a quill pen Rowan , and say you found it tucked in the back of her built in wardrobe or something .   And since we thought of it first, if you slip us a small consideration it would ensure we keep out mouths zipped .  ( I hate asking , but the cops booked Monte for riding his 350 Velocette in a built up area and we are a bit short this month .  ) 

Your comrade , Ken



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