Reference :- Andy explained that the left media are deliberately fermenting protest against racism in Australia .
Good morning Andy . Just when we thought those old reports by the Human Rights Commission and pleas from Amnesty International had been forgotten , people everywhere , black and white , have become all angered up about racial discrimination and deaths in custody . Whenever the topic arises , The Sky Reply team is always keen to see your astute analysis . And as usual you were quick to jump in with your two bob's worth .
There's much to discuss, but firstly , Ken junior has noted that you are using the expression " How dare they ! " freely these days , and he fears you may be leaving yourself open to a lawsuit from Greta Thunberg , for copyright infringement . I know it's pretty annoying when a teenage girl receives more news coverage and invitations to meet world leaders than a cutting edge journalist like yourself . But it's unwise to copy her style in the hope of mimicking her success . Your strongest card is your candid originality Andy , and you ignore that at your peril .
So Andy , you pointed out that black folk are over represented in the crime figures because they break the law more often . I guess Tanya Day , ( you know , the aboriginal woman who fell asleep on a train , was arrested , and later died in police custody ) , may have broken a law or two . It's hard to say which ones since we have so many laws these days , it seems. In the halcyon days of my youth the cops pulled me over and told me to drive straight home or they would cart me off to the watch house . When I asked "What for ? " they said they could arrest me for driving a purple Torana in a built up area . I was in no position to argue .
Anyway , I digress . Personally I must admit I have fallen asleep on trains a few times myself , and certainly would not have done so had I known I could be arrested and killed by the police . Not long ago Aboriginal teenager Kumunjayi Walker was shot to death by police in his own bedroom . The leftie media made a shameful fuss about all that . How dare they ! Yet the statistics show that in Australia far more white people die in their own bedrooms each year than Aborigines .
You can use that if you like Andy , gratis . I can see you are struggling a bit at present and every tip helps. Further help will follow .
Your comrade , Ken
P.S. Ken junior has something he wants to run past you in the next Sky Reply. So stay alert , and ease up on the booze, he has a penchant for asking tricky questions .
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