Reference :- The republican governor of Georgia has prioritized the economy and eased lockdown early during the current pandemic . We have been following the results .
Sky anchor and gymnastic presenter of climate fables , Rowan Dean ,will find the statistics interesting .
Good morning Rowan . We are freezing our plums off out here at Kooralya . It's the coldest winter in years , and timed badly after the hottest summer and worst bush fire season on record . And there is nothing like an unprecedented conflagration for buggering up the local firewood supply . Logs for the hearth are harder to get than a government apology these days .
Anyway , knowing you are gifted when it comes to statistics , graphs , and all that other grade 5 maths stuff , we thought you might like to check out the coronavirus numbers in Georgia , USA . Since the elected ( more or less ) Republican governor has been sending folk back to work in defiance of medical advice , the coronavirus numbers in the state have been rising .
That's right Rowan , another 700 people were clapped up with contagion in just the last 24 hrs . I know most of them were black , and the rich white folk are doing fine as their businesses reopen , but it's still not a good look .
If Australia had that rate of infection ,we would be getting about 2000 new cases daily . There must be some spin you can put on these figures Rowan . That is your specialty . We eagerly await your presentation . Be sure to draw out the pronunciation of any words that refute your argument, so as to make them sound silly . You know what I mean . You do that better than your comrade Andy Bolt .
Andy's all embroiled in his usual accusations of racial vilification at present and could do with a bit of a hand . Why not show him how to do it ? For starters he should call it rrraayyyshooollll veelificaayyshhunn . Both hands must wave for emphasis, maybe tell him to watch an old Al Jolson performance for inspiration . Obviously that won't wash with anybody sporting an IQ higher than the average orpington , but as we well know Rowan , that is not his target audience anyway . Looking forward to your Georgia analysis .
Your comrade , Ken
PS And another thing . Those musical interludes you splice into your segments when you can't think of enough to whine about could include an Al Jolson clip from time to time . You could don a pair of white gloves yourself beforehand , to raise our sense of anticipation .
It's all about showmanship , isn't it Rowan ?
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