Reference :- Scott Morrison didn't invent mendacity , but he certainly appears to have broken a few records for it's use .
Dear Mr Morrison ,
Why would anybody think you are a brazen , cowardly blame shifting liar who uses his wife and children as a shield ? You claim you have never lied to the public , and that is good enough for me .
Sadly , some folk ( umpteen million of them and most of the media ) accuse you of lying when you made that claim . For heaven's sake , how can you win ?
Anyway , regardless of whether you lie your head off or not , as a marketing genius you will be well aware that it doesn't matter if you tell a lie . What matters is public perception . If public opinion has cast you as a liar , you have a problem , even if you are as honest as a Hillsong Pastor .
And here is the problem , which I must leave you to addresss. Ken junior took the time to google " Scott Morrison lie " . He then did the same for a variety of memorable world leaders , and was thus able to make a comparison ..
Ben Chifley ( our first post WW2 Prime Minister ). ....scored 240 ,000 hits .
Gough Whitlam ( the only Prime Minister of Australia sacked from office )..... scored 950,000 hits
President Richard Nixon ( AKA as tricky dicky of Watergate fame ).... scored 13 million hits .
Boris Johnson ( who liked painting his lies on the sides of buses ).... scored 26 million hits.
Vladimir Putin ( the western public view him as a corrupt dictator ) .... scored 27 million hits .
Scott Morrison ( AKA as Scotty from marketing or Scomo ) .. scored 33 million hits .
However you look at it , you have a problem with public perception .
The media will hammer you with this fact in the lead up to the next election , and disenfranchising many leftie voters by introducing legislation to deal with non existent voter fraud won't save your bacon .
But here are a few responses you might find helpful when you are accused of lying .
" I don't accept that at all. " .
" That's a lie "
" People abuse me all the time , but I have broad shoulders . "
" I don't like leaders of other countries calling Australians liars . "
" My wife and children don't think I am a liar . "
Other than that , all you can do now is concentrate on scaring the great unwashed into voting for you with ..... errrrr ...... more lies .
But what the heck . As they say , " In for a penny , in for a pound . "
Your comrade , Ken .