Thursday, November 4, 2021

Reference :- Australia's political leaders keep asking the same question about the transition to renewable energy .

Reference :-   Our leaders keep asking " Who is going to pay for the transition to renewables ? " 

This does seem  to be  a difficult question . But Gabbo said we should approach it logically by compiling a list of those who might be able to pony up for the invoice .   At first the list was rather long , and nebulous , and at times downright silly .  For example , clearly we can't expect Martians to pay  .  Monte suggested that we could ask God , but judging from the way he needs millions of folk to pass the donations tray around every Sunday , he is obviously a bit short of funds himself . 

Ken junior suggested the oft mentioned "future generations" , but who knows how cashed up they are likely to be  .... or how many will actually exist ?

I suggested " the government "  , but  Gabbo reminded me that the government only has the money it raises from taxes .  

" The government only has the money it raises from taxes . " , Gabbo said . 

"  But the government can print as much money as it likes  . " ,  I said 

" That money always ends up concealed within shell companies in the Cayman Islands ." , Gabbo said . 

Anyway , to cut to the chase , we ended up with a greatly simplified list of possible sources of funds to deal with climate change .  And here it is . 

1 .   The rich . 

2.   The poor . 

 Gabbo grabbed his biro and crossed out  ' The poor " . 

" Hang on Gabbo . We agreed to discuss this . Why have you dismissed the poor so quickly ? " , I said . 

" Because they can't afford it.  " ,  Gabbo said . 

 " The rich won't be pleased about picking up the tab . "  ,  I said . 

" Nonagga maroo . " , Gabbo said .   

Gabbo has a penchant for expressing his most profound thoughts in his native tongue. 

" What does that mean ? " ,  I said . 

"  It means ' stiff shit ' . ",  Gabbo said . 

 Gabbo's appraisal may be brief , but it is surprisingly complete . 


Your comrade , Ken . 






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