Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Reference :- Sky mouthpiece and occassional ice age weather boy Rowan Dean is horrified by 'loaded language " .

Reference :-  Loaded language offends young Rowan  .... except when his own team uses it .  

Dear Rowan , 

                          You certainly were quick to notice that the ABC  , sorry , I mean the taxpayer funded ABC,   has resorted to using " loaded language .  This is the kind of thing that can go unnoticed , so we applaud you for drawing the problem to our attention .  As a taxpayer funded media outlet they must eschew loaded language .  Sky News also benefits from taxpayer subsidies to the tune of millions of quid , and realising it's obligations , your company has set the standard in this regard .  You would never resort to manipulating public opinion by normalising loaded language  like the ABC ... I mean the taxpayer funded ABC ... does. 

After pondering your insightful revelation , we have noticed that loaded language is now very widespread .  One can't help but wonder how this sorry state of affairs arose .   Who do you think might have started it  Rowan ? Ken junior has drafted a list of possible culprits . It's by no means complete , but you have to start somewhere .  And here it is , quoted from the archives of Sky News .

 1.     " the taxpayer funded ABC "

 2.      "climate alarmists "

 3.     "sleepy Joe Biden"

 4.     "chairman  Dan Andrews"   ( AKA "deadly Dan " )

 5.    'woke greenies " (  which would include " the latte sipping inner city " cohort  )

6.      "virtue signalers "

7.     "marxists of the new world order "

8.     " brain dead lefties "

9.    " hysterical pandemic promoting socialists " 

10.  " old testament prophet ( and fool ) Sir David Attenborough  " 

There are many more likely candidates Rowan .  Ken junior reckons Peta Credlin deserves a mention .  She invented the term " carbon tax " to describe the proposed emissions trading scheme prior to a federal election .    It worked wonders  as a scare tactic , and she subsequently admitted that she knew the term was completely misleading , stating  " It was never a carbon tax. " .   

Recently she has started a fresh carbon tax scare , and doubtless it will work again . But let's keep quiet about that , since she is on our team . 

Your comrade ,  Ken . 

P.S.     How is the ice age coming along ?  We have found a couple of good sites for Igloos and are keen to get started , but a chap can't build an igloo out of dust .

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