Friday, July 22, 2022

Reference :- To quote Sky News , " the laughter has died " with the loss of British PM , Boris Johnson .

Reference :-  Here at the Sky Reply we are confident that Boris will keep us laughing well into the future . 

What with the chilly weather and all , we were chowing down on steaming bowls of porridge this morning when Ken junior told us that Piers Morgan reckons "the laughter has died " with the loss of Boris Johnson as Prime Minister . 

" Piers Morgan reckons the laughter has died with the loss of Boris Johnson as Prime Minister .",  Ken junior said . 

 " I will certainly miss laughing at him . " , Gabbo said . 

"  Don't you mean laughing with him . " ,   I said . 

 " Whatever . ", Gabbo said .  And burst out laughing . 

 Monte laughed too , and dog joined in with his trademark canine grin and thumping tail .  

 I think the cold weather has given us all a touch of cabin fever .  

Your comrade , Ken 



Thursday, July 21, 2022

Reference:- A " tired and emotional " Andrew Bolt poured scorn upon the State of the Environment Report.

 Reference :-   According to young Andrew Bolt,  the recently released state of the environment report is unscientific . 

Dear Andy , 

                     You may have dropped out of Uni yourself , sans degree , but that doesn't mean you don't have the brains to recognize a scam when you see one .  No wonder Mr Morrison kept that environment report under wraps in the lead up to the election .  A man of his intellect would have no truck with a report that you describe as quasi -religious bunkum . 

The so called scientific team that produced the scandalous report was lead by the Dean of Science at the University of NSW , but I ask you , why should that impress us ?  People with cushy jobs in the public service know nothing about the economic impracticalities of pandering to environmentalists . 

I liked the way you started your presentation by mentioning money 5 seconds into your diatribe . And you rounded things off nicely at the end by reminding us that fixing the environment will be a costly project . 

We all like clean water and national parks , but not if they cost too much .  If we spend too much on such frivolous excesses ,  how are we going to pay for the upkeep of our golf courses and race tracks ? 

It sure did shock me to hear that some of the folk who contributed to the report were Aborigines .  No conflicts of interest there , hey Andy .    

Anyway , I wouldn't mind waging that those indigenous scientists are actually more of those fake aborigines you tell us about .  We have relied on you in the past to flush out fake aborigines , and this might be a story you can pursue .  Young Chris Kenny is about to grab all the publicity with his unbiased expose of the skullduggery that goes on at the ABC ..... sorry , I mean The Taxpayer Funded ABC  .... so you desperately need a big story yourself .   

 Think it over Andy .  For a small consideration , Gabbo is willing to be interviewed here in Kooralya , and the rest of his mob are keen to make you acquaintance .  

Your comrade , Ken .

Reference:- Sky anchor , Peta Credlin , is not as popular with viewers as she once was .

 Reference:-  Maintaining one's position as a media star requires constant vigilance . 

Dear Peta , 

                     I am sure that you don't need the lads at the Sky Reply to tell you that your viewer numbers are falling faster than ..... a really fast thing .  We certainly don't want to see you vanish into the barren lands of obscurity where your old comrades Mr Morrison and his close knit team of Tories now dwell .  You did your best to save them , but that fight is over and now you must save yourself .  These are tough times for you , and we feel an obligation to offer some tactfully worded advice .

Ken junior reckons the main problem is that you seem bitter and cynical and leave your audience devoid of hope . 

Gabbo suggests that you should eschew interviews with clueless fear mongering propaganda merchants . 

Monte thinks that your penchant for gloating when somebody you despise ( Daniel Andrews for example ) faces a setback , is unbecoming for a woman of your age . 

For my part , I believe that those are petty criticisms .  All you need to do is smile from time to time . If you watch yourself on you tube you will notice that you have developed a tendency to grimace .  The combination of thin lipped grimace and overly blackened eyebrows does evoke images of one of the less likeable characters from a Wallace and Gromitt episode . 

I am sure it will pay dividends if you soften your eyebrows and learn to fake a convincing smile .  If you merely do that , you will be able to bang on about anything you like and folk won't be as inclined to reach for their remotes . 

I hope you don't mind the feedback .  A couple of years back we suggested that your comrade  Rowan Dean change his wild hairdo so that he didn't look like part of the lunatic fringe .  And as you know , young Rowan's career has progressed in leaps and bounds since he tidied his coiffure . 

We look forward to seeing the "new you " grace our tele screen . 

Your comrade , Ken

Monday, July 18, 2022

Reference:- At last former Prime Minister Scott Morrison has reappeared in the news .

Reference :-   In troubled times , words of wisdom from a former Prime Minister are always welcome . We look forward to hearing some soon . 

Dear Mr Morrison , sir , 

It sure was a nice surprise seeing you on the tele again the other night .  And that Margaret Court lady let you give a lengthy church sermon too, which was a bonus .   Ken junior tells me he doesn't have much time for Margaret Court .  He reckons she goes a bit hard on folk with a more inclusive approach to ... well let's just call them " bedroom  antics " .  I know Margaret prefers to call them " abominable sexual practices " , but that does strike me as a tad judgmental . 

We all have our phobias , Mr Morrison ,  and in a free society I guess Margaret is entitled to the phobia of her choice . But when she gave you the opportunity to deliver a sermon she revealed the kind of warm heart she really has . 

I liked the way you stated that members of the government may occasionally "succumb to immorality " .  A chap only has to look at the alleged sexual assaults committed by parliamentarians and the subsequent court battles to find the truth in that .   I wonder if Margaret would describe such assaults as " abominable sexual practices " ?   Fortunately , she is discreet enough to avoid commenting on the private lives of the nation's political elite , since they are none of her business. 

Your stand out piece of advice was " don't trust in governments " .  Indeed , it saddens me to say that many of our senior politicians , even past prime ministers , have a terrible reputation for telling lies .  At least in Australia we have the opportunity to vote the liars out of office from time to time .

Anyway , thanks for reminding us that our anxiety is just  " Satan's plan " .  We may blame climate change , interest rates , pandemics , inflation , corruption  and so on , but those are mere distractions . As you say , anxiety is actually part of Satan's plan . 

Oh , just one last thing . You did say that since politicians are inclined to succumb to immorality,  the " severe scrutiny they cop is essential ".   I certainly hope you have not changed your mind about that  proposed independent federal crime and corruption commission .  You have spent years thwarting that legislation , as well you should .  And the new commie leftist government might try to pass it retrospectively . For the love of God ,  imagine that !  It is wise to keep your mouth zipped .

( I hope you don't mind my bringing it up . But I expect young Angus Taylor has probably drawn your attention to the matter already . )

Your comrade , Ken .

Friday, July 1, 2022

Reference:- Witty Sky presenter , Rita Panahi , once again ridiculed President Biden .

 Reference :-  According to Ms Panahi , Joe Biden is either senile or a liar , which she finds hilarious .

Dear Rita, 

                   Top of the morning to you Rita .  It's always worth starting the day with a good laugh , and what could be better than a hearty laugh at somebody else's expense ?     Indeed , as you say , Mr Biden has over the years stated that he entered politics for many different reasons .   Nobody but you has thought to ask the question " What is the real reason he decided to enter politics ".    Clearly he can only have one reason for that decision , and as you say , if he has a propensity to suggest a variety of reasons he is either senile or deliberately lying . 

 Sometimes it takes a journalist with outstanding prowess , like yourself , to identify and ask the truly important questions . 

Anyway Rita , I would like you to know that out here in Kooralya we love your stuff , and always look forward to your shows .  We are a tad isolated out here in the bush , but you help us keep our fingers on the pulse of world affairs . 

Sometimes I wonder why I choose to live here , with it's many disadvantages .  But then I think back and remember that I came here for the peaceful surroundings  .   Also , the price of real estate was affordable . And I have friends and relatives nearby .  And the school suited Ken junior .  And we enjoy fishing and camping down by the river . And the Kooralya pub is iconic . Plus the local cop doesn't pay too much attention to the condition of my Holden ute , which is often overdue for a service , so to speak . 

Thanks again for shining the spotlight on Mr Biden's hilarious inconsistencies .

Your comrade , Ken