Friday, July 1, 2022

Reference:- Witty Sky presenter , Rita Panahi , once again ridiculed President Biden .

 Reference :-  According to Ms Panahi , Joe Biden is either senile or a liar , which she finds hilarious .

Dear Rita, 

                   Top of the morning to you Rita .  It's always worth starting the day with a good laugh , and what could be better than a hearty laugh at somebody else's expense ?     Indeed , as you say , Mr Biden has over the years stated that he entered politics for many different reasons .   Nobody but you has thought to ask the question " What is the real reason he decided to enter politics ".    Clearly he can only have one reason for that decision , and as you say , if he has a propensity to suggest a variety of reasons he is either senile or deliberately lying . 

 Sometimes it takes a journalist with outstanding prowess , like yourself , to identify and ask the truly important questions . 

Anyway Rita , I would like you to know that out here in Kooralya we love your stuff , and always look forward to your shows .  We are a tad isolated out here in the bush , but you help us keep our fingers on the pulse of world affairs . 

Sometimes I wonder why I choose to live here , with it's many disadvantages .  But then I think back and remember that I came here for the peaceful surroundings  .   Also , the price of real estate was affordable . And I have friends and relatives nearby .  And the school suited Ken junior .  And we enjoy fishing and camping down by the river . And the Kooralya pub is iconic . Plus the local cop doesn't pay too much attention to the condition of my Holden ute , which is often overdue for a service , so to speak . 

Thanks again for shining the spotlight on Mr Biden's hilarious inconsistencies .

Your comrade , Ken




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