Thursday, July 21, 2022

Reference:- A " tired and emotional " Andrew Bolt poured scorn upon the State of the Environment Report.

 Reference :-   According to young Andrew Bolt,  the recently released state of the environment report is unscientific . 

Dear Andy , 

                     You may have dropped out of Uni yourself , sans degree , but that doesn't mean you don't have the brains to recognize a scam when you see one .  No wonder Mr Morrison kept that environment report under wraps in the lead up to the election .  A man of his intellect would have no truck with a report that you describe as quasi -religious bunkum . 

The so called scientific team that produced the scandalous report was lead by the Dean of Science at the University of NSW , but I ask you , why should that impress us ?  People with cushy jobs in the public service know nothing about the economic impracticalities of pandering to environmentalists . 

I liked the way you started your presentation by mentioning money 5 seconds into your diatribe . And you rounded things off nicely at the end by reminding us that fixing the environment will be a costly project . 

We all like clean water and national parks , but not if they cost too much .  If we spend too much on such frivolous excesses ,  how are we going to pay for the upkeep of our golf courses and race tracks ? 

It sure did shock me to hear that some of the folk who contributed to the report were Aborigines .  No conflicts of interest there , hey Andy .    

Anyway , I wouldn't mind waging that those indigenous scientists are actually more of those fake aborigines you tell us about .  We have relied on you in the past to flush out fake aborigines , and this might be a story you can pursue .  Young Chris Kenny is about to grab all the publicity with his unbiased expose of the skullduggery that goes on at the ABC ..... sorry , I mean The Taxpayer Funded ABC  .... so you desperately need a big story yourself .   

 Think it over Andy .  For a small consideration , Gabbo is willing to be interviewed here in Kooralya , and the rest of his mob are keen to make you acquaintance .  

Your comrade , Ken .

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