Reference :- In troubled times , words of wisdom from a former Prime Minister are always welcome . We look forward to hearing some soon .
Dear Mr Morrison , sir ,
It sure was a nice surprise seeing you on the tele again the other night . And that Margaret Court lady let you give a lengthy church sermon too, which was a bonus . Ken junior tells me he doesn't have much time for Margaret Court . He reckons she goes a bit hard on folk with a more inclusive approach to ... well let's just call them " bedroom antics " . I know Margaret prefers to call them " abominable sexual practices " , but that does strike me as a tad judgmental .
We all have our phobias , Mr Morrison , and in a free society I guess Margaret is entitled to the phobia of her choice . But when she gave you the opportunity to deliver a sermon she revealed the kind of warm heart she really has .
I liked the way you stated that members of the government may occasionally "succumb to immorality " . A chap only has to look at the alleged sexual assaults committed by parliamentarians and the subsequent court battles to find the truth in that . I wonder if Margaret would describe such assaults as " abominable sexual practices " ? Fortunately , she is discreet enough to avoid commenting on the private lives of the nation's political elite , since they are none of her business.
Your stand out piece of advice was " don't trust in governments " . Indeed , it saddens me to say that many of our senior politicians , even past prime ministers , have a terrible reputation for telling lies . At least in Australia we have the opportunity to vote the liars out of office from time to time .
Anyway , thanks for reminding us that our anxiety is just " Satan's plan " . We may blame climate change , interest rates , pandemics , inflation , corruption and so on , but those are mere distractions . As you say , anxiety is actually part of Satan's plan .
Oh , just one last thing . You did say that since politicians are inclined to succumb to immorality, the " severe scrutiny they cop is essential ". I certainly hope you have not changed your mind about that proposed independent federal crime and corruption commission . You have spent years thwarting that legislation , as well you should . And the new commie leftist government might try to pass it retrospectively . For the love of God , imagine that ! It is wise to keep your mouth zipped .
( I hope you don't mind my bringing it up . But I expect young Angus Taylor has probably drawn your attention to the matter already . )
Your comrade , Ken .
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