Thursday, July 21, 2022

Reference:- Sky anchor , Peta Credlin , is not as popular with viewers as she once was .

 Reference:-  Maintaining one's position as a media star requires constant vigilance . 

Dear Peta , 

                     I am sure that you don't need the lads at the Sky Reply to tell you that your viewer numbers are falling faster than ..... a really fast thing .  We certainly don't want to see you vanish into the barren lands of obscurity where your old comrades Mr Morrison and his close knit team of Tories now dwell .  You did your best to save them , but that fight is over and now you must save yourself .  These are tough times for you , and we feel an obligation to offer some tactfully worded advice .

Ken junior reckons the main problem is that you seem bitter and cynical and leave your audience devoid of hope . 

Gabbo suggests that you should eschew interviews with clueless fear mongering propaganda merchants . 

Monte thinks that your penchant for gloating when somebody you despise ( Daniel Andrews for example ) faces a setback , is unbecoming for a woman of your age . 

For my part , I believe that those are petty criticisms .  All you need to do is smile from time to time . If you watch yourself on you tube you will notice that you have developed a tendency to grimace .  The combination of thin lipped grimace and overly blackened eyebrows does evoke images of one of the less likeable characters from a Wallace and Gromitt episode . 

I am sure it will pay dividends if you soften your eyebrows and learn to fake a convincing smile .  If you merely do that , you will be able to bang on about anything you like and folk won't be as inclined to reach for their remotes . 

I hope you don't mind the feedback .  A couple of years back we suggested that your comrade  Rowan Dean change his wild hairdo so that he didn't look like part of the lunatic fringe .  And as you know , young Rowan's career has progressed in leaps and bounds since he tidied his coiffure . 

We look forward to seeing the "new you " grace our tele screen . 

Your comrade , Ken

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