Saturday, February 8, 2025

Reference :- Photos of Gaza reveal a level of destruction that is hard to comprehend .

Reference :-   Photographs revealing the thoroughness of the destruction of Gaza  make it impossible to imagine what was there a couple of years ago . 

This morning we were all tired and emotional at The Sky Reply .  Dog was in a frisky mood last night , and kept us awake all night with his constant demand for a playmate .  He even tried to drag Ken junior out of bed with his teeth at 2.00 am .  You could almost translate his growls as something like  " Come on ! Get up ! What's the matter with you ? Lets go outside and play ! " 

Anyway , this morning while dog slept on the verandah , we gloomily ate our porridge and watched the morning news on the tele . Some images of Gaza appeared . 

" Holy cow !  That place is well and truly trashed ! " , Ken junior said . 

" It didn't always look like that . "  Gabbo said . 

"  I hear it was never very good . They say the Palestinians used all their money to build tunnels and rockets . " ,  Monte said . 

  Gabbo , always quick to defend the plight of folk who are suffering at the hands of violent colonialists , spoke up . 

"  They didn't spend all their money on their military . Just like us they spent some on their military and some on infrastructure for the welfare of their citizens . " , Gabbo said . 

" Like what , for example  ? ", Monte said . 

" Lets see.... 796 schools , 12 universities , 35 hospitals , 4 major cultural museums , 18 major libraries , 9 major mosques and hundreds of gardens including a public park for children in Khan Younis  six times the size of our equivalent one in Melbourne's Royal Botanical Gardens . ' . Gabbo said . 

" That does sound like a lot. " , Monte said . 

" It is impressive considering the circumstances . On a population basis they had twice as many universities as Australia , and about the same number of schools .  They seem to have greatly valued access to education .  " Gabbo said . 

" A shame . Do you think all those facilities are rubble now ? " , Monte said . 

 Ken junior broke in . 

" Yeah , I think so .  Those Palestinians didn't stand a chance against the might of the American Empire " , Ken junior said . 

 " Everybody is so glass half empty this morning .  Can't somebody be a bit more cheery ? " ,  I said . 

Gabbo stood up and dramatically recited his favourite poem about empires , which coincidentally references the  Middle East . 

            "   The jackals prowl , the serpents hiss , in what was once Persepolis

                Proud Babylon is but a trace , upon the desert's dusty face , 

                The topless towers of Ilium , 

                Are ashes , Judah's harp is dumb , 

                The fleets of Nineveh and Tyre , 

               Are down with Davy Jones esquire , 

               And all the oligarchies , kings ,

               And potentates who ruled these things , 

               Are gone . But cheer up , don't be sad , 

               Think what a lovely time they had .   " 

   " For the love of God Gabbo , sit down before you wake up Dog  ." , I said . 

I guess it is consoling to think that every great empire eventually falls . Especially the evil ones . 

Your comrade 






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