Reference :- Criminals for hire may be threatening Jewish communities in Australia .
Soon after the Australian Government started to express solid support for a Palestinian State in the Middle East , antisemitic attacks dramatically increased . Why would that happen ? I asked Ken junior for his opinion .
"Soon after the Australian Government started to express solid support for a Palestinian state in the Middle East , antisemitic attacks in Australia dramatically increased . Why would that happen ? " , I said .
" Just a coincidence , I guess . " , Ken junior said .
Gabbo spoke up .
" These attacks help the Israeli cause . " , Gabbo said .
" Howso ? " , I said .
" The only reason the state of Israel exists is because Jewish folk claim they need a safe haven from antisemitism throughout the world . Alarming displays of antisemitism , make it easier to justify a Jewish state . " , Gabbo said .
" That sounds like a conspiracy theory to me . " , I said .
"The Federal Police have been investigating the possibility that overseas actors may be paying criminals in Australia to stage antisemitic attacks . " , Gabbo said .
" What have they found ? " , I said .
" Well , they investigated Russia and Iran as possible sources , but found nothing . " , I said .
" Have they investigated anybody else ? " , I said .
" They are not saying much now . " , Gabbo said .
" Surely you are not suggesting it could be Israel ? ", I said .
" In 2016 /17 a young Jew in Israel called Michael Kadar sent over 2000 hoax emails threatening to bomb Synagogues and Jewish schools and so on to the USA and Australia . He was convicted and sentenced to ten years prison ......just saying . " , Gabbo said .
" Did the Israeli police find him ? ", I said .
" Mostly it was the work of the Victorian police here in Australia " , Gabbo said .
I get the feeling that Gabbo is overly suspicious of the Israeli government . But I don't mind cutting him some slack . As an Aborigine , he has been traumatised by the genocide of his race at the hands of white colonial racial supremacists . That has given him a warped sense of perspective , though through no fault of his own .
Your comrade , Ken
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