Reference :- Strongly opinionated Sky News anchor , Sharri Markson , considers Ms Penny Wong to be the worst Foreign Minister in Australian history .
Dear Sharri ,
It is indeed no surprise to me that you disapprove of Ms Wong's support for funding the humanitarian organisation UNRWA . I mean , one can hardly allow humanitarian aid to be distributed by an organisation which only has 99.97% of it's members fully vetted by the Israeli government and declared kosher. And although around half of those .03% suspected of wrong doing have already been exonerated , who can say what the other half ( perhaps 9 or 10 folk in all ) might have done ?
I like the way you pointed out that there are other humanitarian organisations that can pick up the slack and look after starving and injured women and children ( men too , if you don't mind my presumption ) should UNRWA go to the wall financially . These other organisations may be quick to claim that they don't have the manpower or resources to provide the necessary aid to a couple of million desperate Palestinians , but I daresay that is simply an indication of their laziness . ( You know what they are like in that part of the world , say no more . )
Now Sharri , have you thought of this ? Each year in Australia we de-register about 60 of our GP Doctors out of around 30,000 because they have done the wrong thing . Things like malpractice , breaking the law , breaching ethical standards and so on . This represents a far greater percentage of our cohort than the suspected UNRWA miscreants represent of theirs . Clearly , by your logic , we should defund Medicare , since only 99.8% of our Doctors are kosher , far worse than UNRWA's very unacceptable 99.97% .
Somebody should run a story about this , and I reckon you are the one to do it . Mind you , please hold off for a few weeks until my five year old niece has finished her treatment for leukemia . She has to travel from Kooralya to Brisbane each week for chemo , which she finds tiring . But I remind her that at least she is not at the Rafah Border Crossing being told by the IDF that she is not allowed to travel to Cairo for treatment , even if she is dying .
Anway Sharri , despite what some might say , in my opinion you can sleep tight knowing that you would never jeopardise the lives of innocent woman and children ( men too , if you don't mind the presumption ) to score points in a transparent display of political gamesmanship .
Your comrade , Ken .
PS . To silence any critics , maybe you should send a few quid to the Palestinian chapter of the Red Cross . There are still quite a few Red Cross volunteers left alive in Gaza , so I hear .
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