Friday, December 27, 2024

Reference :- Sometimes an old bloke knows something young folk don't .

Reference :- Despite the wonders of the interweb , sometimes young folk encounter a topic they know nothing about . 

Last eve we were sweltering away beneath the squeaky ceiling fan when Ken junior asked an unexpected question .  

" What in God's name is a " Punch and Judy Show " ? , Ken junior said . 

It's not often that I have the lad's attention , so I was grateful for the opportunity to showcase my deep knowledge of our cultural heritage and demonstrate my willingness to respectfully share this knowledge with my son . 

" What ?  You don't know about "Punch and Judy" ? What planet have you been living on , you cretin ? " , I said . 

Ken junior rolled his eyes . 

" So are you going to tell me ? " , Ken junior said . 

So I told Ken junior about the Punch and Judy puppet show , its origins centuries ago in Italy , it's  popularity and evolution in England , and it's pinnacle of development as cheap entertainment for both adults and children during the reign of Queen Victoria . 

" In summary , it is a puppet show to entertain  the masses . The puppet stage generally features one character on stage left , and an antagonist on stage right who violently attack each other during an ill defined argument that makes no sense .  The violence of the confrontation is what engages the audience , rather than the weak premise of the argument . " ,  I said . 

" And that's it ?  Does anything else happen during a Punch and Judy Show ? " , Ken junior said . 

" Often there are pick pockets in the audience who help themselves to wallets and purses and jewellery  and the suchlike while everybody is distracted . " , I said . 

 " I reckon it is a good thing that these days we can stay home where it is safe and watch the tele for entertainment instead . " ,  Ken junior said . 

 At this point Monte joined the conversation . 

"  While we are asking  questions , can somebody briefly explain what is meant by the term MSM ? " , Monte said . 

 Gabbo looked up from the book he was reading . 

 " That is an acronym for the Mainstream Media . " , Gabbo said . 

" And how would you describe that ? " , Monte said . 

" It's just the modern version of a Punch and Judy Show  ", Gabbo said . 

Gabbo returned to his book . Everybody seemed satisfied with the description .

 It warms my heart when the lads reveal a deep understanding of which I was unaware . 

Merry Saturnalia to one and all. 

Your comrade , Ken .


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