Monday, December 23, 2024

Reference :- The Sky Reply has written a letter to the Prime Minister of Australia , Mr Albanese .

Reference:-   Surely Mr Albanese does not approve of Goebbels style censorship in Australia ? 

Dear Mr Albanese , 

                                   You are a busy man , and you have achieved much in a short time .  I must say that I approve of the Cabinet team you have put together . Most of them are very competent in their roles , although I sometimes worry that Senator Penny Wong feels the great burden she bears as Foreign Affairs Minister .   All that tongue biting , and balancing on the razor edge of diplomacy with incompetent leaders from the USA and the UK in particular must be hard work .   Be sure to look after her .

Anyway , that's enough praise for now , so let me move on to a concern that begs to be raised .  As a busy man you probably only get the chance to read The Sky Reply a few times each month , so you may not yet have seen our last post about  " The Bibi Files " documentary . 

It seems that despite this documentary's huge popularity world wide ( including Israel where it is banned , but able to be streamed by those skilled at penetrating  the interweb ) ) ,  we are still not allowed to see it here in Australia . Who on earth has made that dreadful decision ?  You have often spoken about your strong opposition to antisemitism , so why would you allow such a blatantly antisemitic infringement on the right for Jewish folk in Australia to view this apparently excellent expose . 

The director , Alexis Bloom is the daughter of a Jew.  She has produced this documentary for the benefit of both the Jewish citizens of Israel , and the diaspora .  By revealing  Mr Netanyahu's corruption and odious personality she is showing the world that many ( in fact most ) Jews do not wish to have their country ruled by a corrupt racist war criminal  .   The many Jews in Israel and throughout the world protesting for Mr Netanyahu's arrest would have their position highlighted by this documentary . Surely this is likely to diminish antisemitism ? 

But putting that aside , the entire notion of censoring documentaries is a slippery slope indeed .  Before you know it we might be banned from watching documentaries about Putin's corruption , or China's plans for world domination , or Iran's secret nuclear facilities , or Bashar al-Assad's mass graves . 

I feel confident that after reading this you will reprimand whoever has banned " The Bibi Files " , and ensure that it is released here .  Australians ( including Jewish Australians) will then be able , like the rest  of the world,  to rationally discuss it's merits .  After all , we don't live in a nanny state ... do we ?

 Ken junior just reminded me of an hilarious joke on the subject .  

A foreign tourist terminated his holiday early , and posted on social media that he found Australia to be the most bland and over-regulated country he had ever visited .  "  I don't know how people can live there . There are so many rules ! " , he said .  A patriotic Australian responded by saying "  I am sick of tourists like you coming over here and then complaining about everything . There ought to be a law against it . " 

Your comrade , Ken 

PS .  Remember how our former Prime Minister , Gough Whitlam , used to refer to his colleagues as " comrade " ?   Ah..... those were the days !


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