Monday, July 10, 2023

Reference :- Has there ever been an Indigenious Voice to Parliament in the past ?

Reference :-    Yes , there fairly has . 

 Here at the Sky Reply , young Gabbo  , our indigenous contributing editor , has taken the time to explain the pre-history of the " Voice " .  

This is what Gabbo  says ....

"Way back before I was born , in 1973 , the Whitlam government established an aboriginal voice to parliament called "The National Aboriginal Consultative Committee ". 

When the Governor General sacked the democratically elected federal government , the new Prime Minister , Mr Fraser , dissolved the committee . 

The next " Voice " was called " The National Aboriginal Conference " .    It was scrapped by Prime Minister  Bob Hawke .

Then came " The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission " ..... killed off by Prime Minister John Howard . 

In 2011 Prime Minister Julia Gillard  established  a voice called " The National Congress of Australia's First Peoples " , which was soon axed by Prime Minister Tony Abbott , along with 170 million dollars of funding for healthcare and education for the said first peoples . 

After some delay , a new "voice " was advocated during the 2017 Uluru Statement from the Heart .   This was put on the back burner until 2023 , which is now .  So it has been 12 years since the last  "voice "  was silenced , and 6 years since a replacement for it was advocated . 

Establishing a Voice  again , but by referendum this time , will ensure that it cannot be cancelled on a whim without another referendum  . "

Gabbo appears to have done his research . 

As usual , The Sky Reply is entirely non-partisan , and we have no wish to influence anybody's  vote .   

Your comrade , Ken



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