Sunday, July 9, 2023

Reference:- Former Prime Minister , Mr Scott Morrison , has responded to the findings of the Robodebt Royal Commission .

 Reference : -   Despite being out of the country at present , Mr Morrison has already denied any responsibility for the Robodebt catastrophe  . 

Dear Mr Morrison , Sir , 

                                            Gee , that report by the Robodebt Commissioner sure does you no favors .  Even  members of your own party are screaming for your resignation .... those traitors  .  Not Mr Dutton , of course , you will always be able to rely on his support , no matter what .  Mr Dutton , like you , retains  his ( now sadly old fashioned )  belief in loyalty .  Like the loyalty you showed to Mr Turnbull that time his leadership was challenged .  At times like this you should remind yourself of those words of gratitude Mr Turnbull spoke  , " Good on you Scomo "  ,  a few minutes before you were forced to take his job from him for the good of the ruling coalition . 

Anyway , I hope you are enjoying your well deserved holiday in Europe .  At least the antipodes are not burning to ash during this vacation  , so you don't have nosy journalists trying to find out where you are .    I would recommend staying away from France though , the riots and demonstrations are out of control and most of the country appears to be on fire .   Unfortunately that's what happens when the lefties get out of control .  And of course , Mr Macron might hold a grudge after he unfairly accused you of being a liar , so you couldn't rely on him to get you out of trouble if you found yourself in a burning Citroen  surrounded by an angry mob . 

I did enjoy your letter responding to that awful Robodebt report .    Some folk , even in the coalition , have hinted that it was devoid of any contrition , and are demanding your resignation .  But Mr Morrison , stand firm , there is nothing for you to be contrite about . 

That commission was nothing more than a show trial for the left . You were rudely interrupted 25 times when you were giving evidence , and slated for obfuscating .  Three times you were silenced for trespassing into areas of parliamentary privilege , once by your own lawyer for heaven's sake .   The whole thing was a farce . 

 Do you think your name might appear in that sealed section of the report that recommends legal proceedings against certain players  ?   Perhaps  it might be wise to stay in Europe until the whole thing blows over .  The media has a short attention span , and in a few months nobody will even remember who you are .    That unfairly persecuted entrepreneur chap , Christopher Skase , found a pleasant location in Majorca to lie low until the clamoring hoards dispersed , and I hear the weather is most clement in Spain at this time of the year . 

If you like , we can keep an eye on the situation down under , and give you the nod when everybody has calmed down . ( Doubtless you are a regular reader of the Sky Reply . ) 

Meanwhile , have a great holiday , and banish from your mind any thoughts of having your life destroyed by punitive and financially crippling legal action upon your return . 

Your comrade , Ken . 

PS .    By the way , where are you ?


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