Friday, June 17, 2022

Reference :- Watching Sky News has become almost unbearable .

Reference :-  The  Sky News anchors have become very bitter indeed since they suffered a humiliating defeat by the ABC in the recent election . 

Dear Sky News team , 

                                     You have my condolences for losing to the ABC in the recent federal election .  I mean honestly , what a shock it must be .  We haven't seen hide nor hair of Mr Morrison since his defeat , and although the greenie marxists at the ABC are ignoring him completely , surely you can think of a reason to bring him back for an interview or two on Sky News ?  He must have at least one opinion worthy of air time .

 Paul Murray, as a keen fan of the former PM , would be the obvious choice for the role of interviewer , and he has the advantage of making Mr Morrison look slim and fit by comparison . It would buoy the spirits of the faithful to see the former PM interviewed by the most savvy supporter he  can boast from among the ranks of elite journalists . 

Have you noticed how the members of the new government have an annoying tendency to answer questions and engage in rational discussion without being confrontational and without resorting to cliches that date from the cold war era ?   How are ordinary citizens supposed to cope with that ? 

What the great unwashed respond to are simple explanations , good guys vs bad guys , name calling , knee jerk reactions , cries of war .....that sort of thing .  And yet the new greenie marxist government has already begun to restore our relationship with China , end the climate wars , and is fostering a new era of discussion and cooperation .   For the love of God , who needs that ?  

At the moment citizens are distracted ,  partly by the cold , since all our gas is being sent to foreign climes for the benefit of struggling  shareholders  ,  but also by the denouement of election fever .  Thankfully you are still keeping a pilot light burning on the climate wars , and this is where you can ignite your comeback . 

Meanwhile I offer this respectful advice ...

 Try not to look like a bunch of whining miserable losers who have lost the ability to think straight .

 Of late , even the Sky Reply team is struggling to wince through your nightly broadcasts of    " opinions that matter " .

Your comrade , Ken





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