Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Reference :- Young Angus Taylor has been made shadow treasurer of Australia .

 Reference :-    The Tory team must be running short of players if Angus Taylor was their best candidate for the position of shadow treasurer.  

Dear Angus , 

                              It warms my heart to see a young bloke like you rise in the Tory ranks so fast .  And it takes a lot to warm my heart these days , what with the frosty weather and the electric heater being too costly to run and all that . 

The Sky Reply's contributing editor , Gabbo , filled me in regarding your credentials , for as you doubtless know , Ken junior is away on leave at the moment . (  Coincidentally at the same time as the barmaid from the Kooralya pub it seems . )

Gabbo tells me you will make an excellent shadow treasurer , since you are adept with the nuances of shadowy deals .  Especially ones involving water , and the environment .  Those are big issues in the minds of many citizens these days , so I am sure your experience will be invaluable . 

Gabbo also says you may have a lot on your hands if the incompetent new socialist government establishes their promised anti - corruption commission . But as the shadowy ... I mean shadow treasurer , I don't imagine you will have anything to do with it.  And surely nobody wants some silly kangaroo court established . As you say , that would only distract from the serious duties of government .

Anyway Angus , back when your mob were in office , Gabbo wrote a limerick for one of our regular limerick competitions . I am sure you would have seen it , but here it is again .  It's a timely reminder of why we shouldn't establish  an anti-corruption commission , not back then , or ever . 


                                      The Anti-corruption Commission      ( by Gabbo )

                                    There once was a great eruption ,

                                    When the people got sick of corruption , 

                                    But the PM and his sort , 

                                    Stayed immune from the court , 

                                    It avoided , they said , the disruption . .  

Stay out of the cold . 

Your comrade , Ken



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