Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Reference:- The media have been told they are not allowed to film the Prime Minister as he inspects flood ravaged towns and cities .

Reference : -  Australia rates 25th in the world for freedom of the press , one below Namibia .  So why would we be surprised ?  

Dear Mr Morrison ,

                              That was a wise decision , staying home with Covid , but sadly you can't stay holed up forever .  Ken junior reckons you should say that you have now come down with a dose of leprosy , and have to remain isolated , but I don't think you will get away with a health excuse twice . 

As you are no doubt aware , preventing the media ( the spiteful lot ) from snapping polaroids while the great unwashed ( literally ) spit and shout at you , is not going to save your bacon .  Thousands of people will have mobile phone cameras , while the batteries last ,  and will post all manner of unfavorable images and reports on the interweb , as I believe it is called . 

 It's a shame you didn't have a chance to push through all your tough new legislation to prevent online bullying .  Obviously your main concern was to prevent children from being harassed , but it would have come in useful to protect the dignity of your office on occasions such as this . 

Anyway Mr Morrison , at least you are not facing arduous responsibilities and voter backlash alone .  Thankfully you have Senator Bridget McKenzie at your side . With her sports rorts portfolio long forgotten , she can now concentrate on her new role as Minister for total disasters and stuff ups .  And by far the worst  disaster is the one you face in the forthcoming election . 

I see she has kept her coloured marking pens from the sports rorts days , and is already allocating relief funds to the most deserving using her  time honored technique .   Clearly you have an obligation to throw money at the seats you need to hold in the next election . Where is the sense in giving relief money to folk who won't vote for you ? 

Although , Ken junior has made an interesting point .  Even a Labor electorate still has plenty of LNP voters .  These folk and their  relatives all around the country will be displeased if they are unfairly treated .  Not good for the polls , Mr Morrison , not good  . So don't forget to blame the states for not managing the floods competently .  And stop  mentioning dams . That makes  Ms McKenzie a sitting duck for a new barrage of jokes calling her the minister for dam scams .

Thankfully the world is preoccupied with war , including the possibility of nuclear ( nukeyala to you ) war .  This will fill a lot of air time on the media , and give you at least some breathing space , thank God . 

Your comrade , Ken

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