Friday, March 4, 2022

Reference :- Internationally admired Prime Minister , Mr Scott Morrison , has tested postive to the RAT test.

 Reference :-  Prime Minister Scott Morrison is isolating at home , which is the only sensible thing he can do . 

Dear Mr Morrison , 

                                   Our prayers are with you , and we trust you will enjoy a swift recovery . You will certainly enjoy being out of the limelight for awhile , what with the floods and all .   Obviously there is political mileage to be made out of the Ukraine crisis , but for the moment the last thing you need is a repeat of the public image disaster that occurred during the last annual bushfire season . 

It seems like a long time ago now , but I do recall that you were sensibly self isolating in Hawaii while the infernos raged down under .  Then some idiot caught wind of your location . Next thing we knew you were waddling around the charred remains of entire townships  explaining that you didn't know how to hold a hose .  The last thing you need now is to be filmed wading through floodwaters explaining that you don't know how to use a mop and bucket . 

Even if you hadn't become all clapped up with coronavirus , it is such a convenient excuse that Ken junior reckons you would have been wise to fake the illness .  After all , the " sickie " excuse is part of Australian culture these days .

Anyway , regardless of whether your dose of Covid is a bit of a fib or not , you now have time to plan your approach to flood recovery .  The most important thing to remember is that you must simply promise  stupendous sums of cash . ( By the time people realize that you still haven't paid the funds promised  for the previous floods , droughts , and fires , the election will be over . )

With the empty promises out of the way you must then concentrate on  the Ukraine crisis . It will be easy enough to convince the average punter that you and Mr Dutton are the only ones who can protect us from the continuing expansion , with total disregard to treaties and promises , and the outrageous and arrogant provocation of NATO ...... I mean Russia .  The media love a war , and the advantage for you is that they have no interest in presenting complex nuances . 

As a professional marketer I am sure you can come up with a suitable three word campaign slogan . 

How about  " It's very complicated ".    

Hahahaha .    Just a little joke , sir .

Your comrade , Ken

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