Thursday, March 17, 2022

Reference:- Environment Minister, Sussan Ley , has just won a landmark court case .

Reference :-  Apparently , according to the court , an Environment Minister does not have a duty of care to children when approving fossil fuel projects .  Or anything else for that matter . 

Dear Sussan ,  

                          I trust I am not being too familiar , using your first name , but as your elder I feel it is not inappropriate .   Congratulations on your win in the recent landmark court case .   I mean , it's a bit rich , kids expecting you to help ensure their survival .   That is their responsibility .  When .... or rather ,"if "  they manage to grow to adulthood , they will have ample opportunity to change the laws when the reins of power and wealth are in their hands .  Meanwhile , they must be patient . 

My son , Ken junior , was a tad upset by the decision of the court.   He feels that kids have a right to a future .  But he fails to understand that Australia has no constitutionally enshrined  human rights .  I mentioned this to Ken junior . 

" Australia has no constitutionally enshrined human rights . ",  I said . 

" Well we should fix that up immediately " , Ken junior said . 

He then went on to rave about how the primary purpose of all creatures was to ensure the survival of their offspring . Even when that meant dying  ( like salmon ) in the process .

" We are not like other creatures .  We are much smarter . " , I said

" Smart enough to invent gas chambers and atomic bombs " , Ken junior said . 

Anyway Sussan , there is no point in talking to the lad when he is like that . 

Clearly we need the money from exploiting fossil fuels , even if there is a little unfortunate collateral damage for the next generation to deal with .  We have a duty of care to the economy .

I mean , for example ,  what is the point of saving the Great Barrier Reef for future generations if nobody will have enough money to roar over it on a 200 horsepower jet ski ? 

I rest my case . 

Your comrade , Ken

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