Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Reference :- With a federal election looming , the vote buying has begun .

 Reference :-  In response to inflation , the floods and fires , stagnant wage growth and ballooning debt , Mr Morrison is making  draught beer cheaper by about 35 cents a schooner . 

Dear Mr Morrison , sir , 

                                         What genius you have displayed . We were wondering what could be done to solve the myriad problems that face the average voter , and you have surprised us again with a carefully devised solution . 

Lowering the tax on draught beer speaks directly to the quiet Australians .  It displays your true blue aussie credentials .    It essentially means that the Prime Minister is saying to all those who are " doing it tough " something akin to ... "  Don't worry about it mate , here , get a beer into ya ! " . 

That is sheer marketing brilliance .  I bet you came up with that idea all by yourself . 

When we first heard the news , it did ring alarm bells for Ken junior . 

 " Cheaper beer might impact our sales of moonshine rum . " , Ken junior said . 

 That certainly made us think . What with the fires and floods and all , our still has had to be rebuilt three times in the past two years .  The overheads have been shocking , and you can only imagine how badly that has impacted our bottom line .   Gone are our plans of eventually listing the Kooralya  rum still on the ASX . 

  But thinking about it , if a bloke was drinking the maximum amount of beer recommended by the health authorities , the tax break would only amount to one free beer every three weeks .  

 And if a bloke didn't want the extra free beer , he could always spend the money he saved on a couple of liters of petrol for his SUV .    So I guess we don't have to worry about our moonshine rum sales .

Anyway , we would like to take this opportunity to promote our hand crafted product .  Considering it's price and alcohol content it represents excellent value for the social drinker .   Monte runs his Yamaha on it , and reckons it goes better on our rum than it does on premium unleaded from the bowser . 

Sadly , some misinformed  folk say that moonshine rum is what sent old Stanley the shearer blind . But I reckon he would have gone blind anyway .   As they say  " Did he go blind from drinking moonshine , or did he go blind while drinking moonshine ? "  

Ken junior reckons we should look to see if we can find another customer who went blind . 

I guess that's what they call a double blind trial . 

If you would like a complimentary bottle , Mr Morrison , we are more than happy to oblige .  

The postage will be expensive since we will need to forward it as " dangerous goods " .  But we are willing to cover the cost if you give us permission to mention you as our best customer . 

Your comrade , Ken




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