Monday, July 12, 2021

Reference :- The Sky News anchors consistently promote the defunding of the ABC .

 Reference:-   A significant portion of Sky News' budget is spent waging war against the ABC . 

Dear purveyors of opinions you tell us to trust and news you tell us we can't ignore , 

After declaring war with China on our behalf  , you have wisely left the management of that conflict in the hands of our PM , wherever he might be .    Sky News simply doesn't have the resources to wage such a war , especially since the Murdoch empire is waning and not as flush with funds as it once was . 

On the other hand , waging war against climate alarmists and fake aborigines doesn't cost much , and does not risk your lives  or limbs .  This still allows you to belligerently promote the divisiveness which distracts attention from the elite.  After all , that is your true purpose whether you realize it or not . 

But be careful , your war on the ABC  , I mean " the tax payer funded ABC  " might not end well.  

For starters most of the country ( up to 80% )  likes the ABC , and doesn't mind spending 4 cents per day of tax money on funding .   A few years back that figure was double , and people didn't mind spending 8 cents per day .   Since then , by necessity , the ABC has secured funding through commercial deals , without filling their programs with advertising . Meanwhile  the federal government has cut about 800 million quid out of the budget for the ABC . 

Furthermore you are on shaky ground when you pretend to fret about taxpayers dollars  , when in fact your own media empire has waltzed off with sacks of loot at the taxpayer's expense . 

The really big sack was the 880 million quid in cash that Mr Murdoch  scored when he was granted a claim against the Australian Tax Office for a tax deduction related to an ambiguous situation involving exchange rates with the yankee dollar .  It would take a speed reader about five years to peruse all the documents related to the case , but clearly Mt Murdoch succeeded in syphoning 880 million quid out of general revenue that year .  

And what of the 30 million quid that the federal government gave you chaps to promote sports coverage ?  Concerned  parties attempted to access the documents relating to that grant under the Freedom of Information Act , but were essentially told  " bugger off , there is nothing to see here " , which usually means there is a great deal to see . 

Similarly Mr Murdoch managed to grab 50 million quid of taxpayers money from our  federal government who were , at the time , encouraging him to support local newspapers and print media outlets .   Instead he closed down 112 print media outlets .   ( And here I must disclose that my research might be lacking , since I have found no report that reveals on what date he repaid the 50 million . )

Anyway , my point is , the team at Sky News might be punching above their weight as they try to destroy the ABC .   You should stick with your forte , which is stirring divisiveness  and distracting us by employing journalistic cherry picking  .   Isn't that enough to give you the warm glow one experiences when one has done their job well ? 

Think of all your viewers who haven't heard of , say , the deadly heatwaves in the northern hemisphere , and believe that the most alarming news of the day concerns the proliferation of fake aborigines .

Those folk can sleep soundly because of you .  You have a right to feel proud . 

 Your comrade , Ken  

PS . Ken junior reckons it's a bit too much of a coincidence that Mr Murdoch received that 880 million tax refund while the ABC lost 800 million in funding .  I told the idiot his reasoning is flawed . The figures aren't even the same for heaven's sake .

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