Reference :- Young Peter Dutton might be losing an ally in the media .
I was doing the washing up after Friday's dinner , when Ken junior shouted .
" Quick , check out Alan Jones on Sky News ! "
Friday is pizza night , so I had nearly finished the washing anyway . As we all know , pizza is traditionally eaten with the fingers , so there is not much crockery involved . Of course , pizza topping usually dribbles everywhere when you quickly pull a slice from your mouth after burning your tongue on the cheese . This does make a messs , but Dog always mops that up for us . Dog was in a good mood , tail wagging .
" Pizza spillage is traditionally eaten by the Dog ". Monte said .
Anyway, I plonked myself in front of the television with a cold beer to soothe my burnt tongue , and saw that Alan Jones was as angry as he has ever been . But not with some marxist climate alarmist greenie . He was dressing down our Minister for Defense , Mr Peter Dutton . Jonesie is appalled that we are not expediting the safe evacuation of those in Afghanistan who assisted Australian military personnel while they were there .
Mr Dutton claims that we cannot be certain of the bona fides of those who seek asylum . But Jonesie has spoken with those on the ground in Afghanistan who know that to be untrue .
" Did Jonesie accuse Mr Dutton of lying ? " I said
" Yep . " , Ken junior said .
" No he didn't . He said that Mr Dutton was listening to advice from the wrong people . " , Monte said .
" Isn't that just a euphemism for saying he is lying ? " , Ken junior said .
" I reckon it's a euphemism for saying ' I haven't actually called you a liar , so you can't send your goon squad around to arrest me. ' . " , Monte said .
" Will you guys quieten it down a bit , I am trying to listen . " , I said .
Jonesie then made a very good point . If Mr Dutton was prepared to let trusted Afghans with firearms protect him while he was visiting their country , why is he unwilling to trust those very same Afghans now they are desperate for asylum ? He could stipulate that they leave their weapons behind . He could offer them asylum somewhere other than Australia while their visas are processed .... something other nations have already offered to do for us.
" Dutton might prefer that they were all killed so he doesn't have to worry about them . " , Ken junior said .
Nobody commented . Dog appeared to be wondering why we were suddenly so sullen faced .
However we do take great consolation in the fact that Jonesie is starting to understand that many of his beloved Tories might be callous unprincipled slimebags .
Your comrade , Ken
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