Sunday, July 11, 2021

Reference :- Sky contributor, Cory Bernardi , posed an interesting question to " lefties".

 Reference :-   Cory has a penchant for asking questions that nobody has thought of before , not even his fellow " righties ".

That was a brilliant question Cory .  It sure had me stumped . You asked lefties to explain why they are so concerned about climate change , since the climate has changed in the past many times regardless of human influence . 

Well Cory , I couldn't answer that myself , so I asked the team at the Sky Reply to help me .  

Ken junior did a quick search on the interweb , and found several thousand articles on the subject that could answer your question .  I pointed out that these were articles by actual scientists , and the way you chaps spit out the word " scientists " reveals your contempt for their research .  ( Excluding , obviously , any research that can be manipulated to support your own opinion . )

 Gabbo has noticed that when you spit out the word " scientist " as though it was a rotten oyster ,  it is always to illustrate that the science in question is merely leftie propaganda .   But when you find something in the data that can be twisted to support your point of view , you always politely state that  " all we have to do is look at what the science tells us " . 

Anyway Cory ,  to answer your question , Ken junior pointed to the fact that the current rate of climate change is ten times faster than any that has occurred naturally during the past 65 million years . 

Although Cory , I am not sure whether that fact is " leftie propaganda spread by scientists "  or  something that   " the science tells us . " 

No rush , but when you have the opportunity , please let us know .   The lads and I have a bet going . 

 Your comrade , Ken  


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