Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Reference :- Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all ?

Reference :-  No -nonsense  Sky Anchor , Chris Kenny , presented his magnum opus , which he cleverly titled  " Men in the Mirror .  It was his opportunity to disparage Mr Turnbull, and Mr Rudd , and he didn't hold back .

 Brilliant stuff Chris .  I don't know what inspired you to present a program highlighting the deficiencies of two former Prime Ministers , but hats off to you comrade , it was a winner . 

I mean , clearly his holy lordship Mr Murdoch only gave you a budget of about twelve quid to produce the program , but he knows that a journalist of your calibre would only see that as a challenge and excel regardless . 

 Ken junior wondered if the " South Park " gang had helped with the photoshopped animation . Especially the part where you appear in Parliament ( a place that , as you know , needs your input badly these days ) . Personally  I reckon you managed the entire project yourself , since it bears all the hallmarks of your journalistic style . ( Ken junior was probably influenced by the fact that you looked so much like Eric Cartman ).

Monte enjoyed the mandatory spooky music , which is vital for setting the mood .  Your comrade Peta Credlin  used spooky music music to good effect in her short horror flick " Deadly Decisions " , and you were wise to follow her example . 

As you know , one runs the risk of appearing biased in these cutting edge documentaries , so it was  pleasing to see that you avoided interviewing anybody from the crazy left , since they are always shamelessly biased . 

I salute you for relying solely on the common sense opinions of conservatives while exploring your topic , since comments by the crazy left would have diminished the impact of the entire program . 

Of course , as you would expect , Mr Rudd and Mr Turnbull have accused you of lies and distortions , which is typical of them .    For example , it was ridiculous when Mr Rudd tried to describe his own bedroom furnishings in a favorable light when you had already spoken to somebody ,who knew of somebody , who said somebody had told them Mr Rudd's bedroom was more or less a communist sanctuary . You were the one with the incontrovertible facts , so Mr Rudd merely looked foolish . 

Likewise , when Mr Rudd denied meeting somebody in a hotel sauna because the hotel in question didn't actually have a sauna, all he did was appear petty .  As we know , shifting focus by emphasizing  the non- existence of saunas or meetings is a ruse often employed by the left .

Anyway Chris , that is enough praise for one day , we wouldn't want you to get a  swelled head . 

Oh , one last thing .   I like the subtle way you pretended you had never heard of that annoying young chap Jordan Shanks .    If Mr Rudd can pretend that he hasn't spent days glued to the tube watching your program , you might as well pretend that you have never heard of the  "Friendlyjordies " show, despite the fact that you are mentioned on it regularly . 

I mentioned the " Friendlyjordies " show to the lads .

" Is Friendlyjordies  an extremely well informed witty leftist who makes the Sky News anchors sound like angry lying buffoons . "  ,  Gabbo said  

 "  I think so " ,   Monte said . 

   That's the trouble with the young ones these days Chris , they have no respect . 

 Your comrade , Ken . 








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