Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Reference :- Sky News anchor Alan Jones ( AKA Comrade Frankenjonesie ) explained the value of tertiary qualifications .

Reference :-  Apparently the Premiere of Victoria , Daniel Andrews ( known to Sky News as Comrade Andrews ) isn't adequately qualified for his job . 

Thanks for that Jonesie .  I didn't know that Mr Andrews only held one of those useless Arts degrees .    The unkind might point to the fact that you have one of those useless Arts degrees yourself , Jonesie , and  that young Andy Bolt dropped out of University without graduating , while Rowan Dean and Paul Murray didn't even bother with tertiary education .  Yet you chaps can win a debate on any topic . Epidemiology , Climatology , Economics , Sociology and Politics to name but a few .   

I could go on Jonesie , but I know you chaps are self -effacing types who shun the limelight . However the point about education is , as I tell the lads here at the Sky Reply , chaps like you are exceptional and don't need a formal education .   You have rat cunning , hard won in the school of life .   And that is what impresses the great unwashed .   As well you know , in any debate it is technique that matters , not substance . 

Ken junior suspects  that the Sky News anchors have all studied the writings of the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer.  He reckons you all use the very debating techniques Mr Schopenhauer  described 150 years ago .  Especially the one where you repeatedly claim sole possession of " the facts " , and then invent whatever " fact " suits your purpose .   But Jonesie , I don't think you would waste your time reading an academic tome that analyses a subject  you already fully comprehend through sheer instinct and superior intellect .  You obviously didn't need to read anything when you mastered the science of climate change , for example . 

 Anyway , I think I have heaped enough praise for one day , we wouldn't want to give you a "big head" as they say .   After all , your humility is your greatest asset . 

Your comrade , Ken


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