Thursday, October 15, 2020

Reference:- Andy Bolt is worried about the economic consequences of China reducing it's coal imports .

Reference :-     China is apparently suspending coal imports from Australia . Andy Bolt couldn't resist blaming environmentists.... I  mean greenies . 

It's like a prophesy come true Andy .    For years progressives have been saying that we need a more diverse economy and shouldn't rely too much on selling coal to China . 

They told us that we were wasting taxpayer's money on subsidies to an unworthy industry.  It looks like they might have been right . 

Well Andy , look on the bright side .  Remember how we were once told that the government was broke and couldn't afford social spending because it would ruin our credit rating ?     Covid has shown that was untrue . We still have the same credit rating despite a massively increased debt due to social spending .

So maybe a reduction in coal exports wouldn't be as bad economically as we fear ?   Coal companies pay less tax than other companies and receive huge sums of taxpayer's money in subsidies . They often pay no royalties , and don't employ anywhere near as many people as they would like us to believe . 

 Don't fret too much Andy . Though maybe you should review your share portfolio .  And don't go too hard on the Chinese , we need their trade .  Just focus on blaming those ungrateful greenies ...somehow . 

 Your comrade , Ken



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