Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Reference:- Political analyst and weather boy Rowan Dean told us that Republicans fear violence from Antifa and the left .

 Reference :-   Young Rowan may have overlooked the recent activities of far right militias  ...and reports from the FBI. 

Rowan , don't forget to scare us about the far right as well as the left . You are overlooking some great material . The FBI reckons there are more than fifty far right extremist organizations in the USA.   All armed to the teeth and angry .  And FBI reports reveal that they are more concerned about these militias than they are about groups like Black Lives Matter , and Antifa , which they say is not even an organization .

You should see the cool monikers  these far right militias have adopted . My favorite is the " Wolverine Watchmen "  , though Ken junior prefers another group called  the "Boogaloo Boys " .  In case you didn't know , " boogaloo " is a euphemism for civil war .  

Law enforcement agencies have their hands full trying to control these violent groups , especially since right wing extremists have managed to recruit quite a few police for their own purposes . But did you see that the FBI  recently saved the Governor of Michigan from being kidnapped by the " Wolverine Watchmen ' ?  

The  wolverines were making bombs in a basement and planned to kidnap the governor  ( a nice lady called Gretchen Whitmer ) and subject her to their own secret trial and subsequent punishment  .   Maybe they were going to issue her  a fine  ....what do you think Rowan ?  And I wonder how many of them were lawyers ?

Governor Gretchen supports measures to reduce violence against women , and I am sure they would have respected that . 

 Anyway Rowan , those particular far right terrorists are in the lockup now , sans bail ,  but that still leaves fifty or more similar  organizations  you can investigate .

 Your comrade , Ken .

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