Sunday, September 13, 2020

Reference :- The weather reports by Sky News anchor Rowan Dean still ignore the California heatwaves and wildfires .

Reference :-    Rowan Dean always manages to find evidence for his anticipated new ice age . 

Dear Skeptical Age Watching Outside Ice Weather Boy , 

                                                                                           What with all the fires and smoke on the news lately , we sure needed somebody to find a bit of snow somewhere .  And you are just the Weather Boy for that Rowan .  Ken junior ran your presentation for us a couple of times , because it was hard for us to hear the names of the sources you rely upon for your astute analyses . 

Don't whisper them Rowan , be proud , and shout them loudly to the world .  Viewers are weary of the grim predictions by qualified scientists , and couldn't care less if you reference paid shills , commercial interests , and assorted nutjobs . 

Ken junior researched your first reference , NOAA   ( at first I thought it was a biblical reference ) .  He found that , refreshingly , it is administered by the US  Dept of Commerce , well known for the prevalence of climate change deniers in it's senior ranks .  Obviously that helps NOAA  maintain a balanced perspective , free of alarmism . 

 Gabbo checked out your other peer reviewed source ,  " Electroverse ".    That sounded like a space invaders game to me , but Gabbo showed me the website , and it is run by a chap weirdly called  Cap Allon  ( you briefly whispered his name too ).   Rowan , do you think that really is his name ?   He is a Pommie , so perhaps his parents were paying tribute to the comic character  " Andy Capp " ?  Do you reckon it fits?

Mr Allon seems to be a shy type , since his website is devoid of information regarding his own credentials .    Monte did some web  research too , and discovered that he appears to be an aspiring screenwriter .    And a horny one at that .  But I don't think that could be the case Rowan . His ability to cherry pick statistical data suggests qualifications in a STEM subject , rather than storytelling . 

If you could direct us to the real Mr Cap Allon , we would be most grateful . 

Also Rowan , a precis of one of his less complicated PhD theses would calm the lads , who are suggesting he might be an aspiring pawnbroker .  

 You can forward the documents to Bernice , the Postmistress at the Kooralya  GPO , who will pass them on . 

Your comrade , Ken 


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