Reference :- Young Andy was a bit " tired and emotional " last night ....what's troubling him ?
Say Andy , are you worried about something ? You seem troubled lately . Your recent presentations are not up to scratch , and novice shock jock , young Paul Murray , has thousands more viewers than you . I know that kind of thing can make a chap hit the turps , but herewith are some words of encouragement . If , drunk and discredited , you were banished from Sky News , and left to rot in your own vitriol , where would that leave The Sky Reply ? So once again we offer a few words of support and comfort .
For starters , you don't need to worry about Peta Credlin . She hasn't had anything interesting to say in weeks , and her audience is in sharper decline than your own . Young Chris Kenny is wasting air time and Sky News' funds in a childish war against the ABC . And he is losing his edge somewhat . Yesterday it took him over sixty seconds to first use the expression " funded by your taxes " while berating the ABC and journalist Paul Barry . He then made a fool of himself by suggesting that Paul's left leaning political ideology was an affront to professional journalism , which rather threw the spotlight on his own leaning to the right . Tsk tsk.
That's two comrades you don't need to fear . Moving along to the others , Frankenjonesie is no threat . He is losing viewers because of his use of violent metaphors , and often takes refuge in the sports news these days .
However , Andy , young Paul Murray is your real threat . His bogan appeal is not to be underestimated . A man like yourself ,who has flirted , however briefly, with tertiary education , is prone to underestimating the prevalence of stupidity among the ranks of the great unwashed . Many such folk are angry because they lead very hard lives , and the elite are eager to have that anger directed away from them . You know Andy , towards immigrants , lefties , scientists , activists , bureaucrats and so on .
You must make use of Paul's techniques more often . Monte reckons you should run a picture of a Monaro on the wall behind you . He also says you should be brave and have a bottle of whiskey and a glass on your desk . This would illustrate that you are your own man , with nothing to hide .
And speaking of being manly , try to cut back on the sneering laughter at sobbing 82 year old women ( Jane Fonda ) and tearful teenage girls ( Greta Thunberg ). It's not very manly Andy , can you see that ?
I guess that's all for now , but more advice will follow . Don't forget about the whiskey bottle . We have a bet running here regarding the brand you favour . Gabbo told me he reckons you would drink Johnnie Walker Black Label .
" Andy Bolt drinking Black Label !" , I laughed , " Are you kidding ? No way ! It's blended and young Andy looks like a single malt man to me ."
The dozens of whiskeys blended into Black Label make for quite a "multicultural " flavour , which I am sure isn't your style Andy .
Keep your chin up . Your comrade , Ken .
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