Saturday, September 12, 2020

Reference :- Reanimated Sky News anchor , Frankenjonesie , asked the question " Who runs the country ? "

 Reference :-   Could it be that our democratically elected politicians don't actually run the country ?

You have raised an important question Jonesie .   Here at The Sky Reply we often wonder who holds the reins of power in our changing nation .  Do invisible dark forces lurk in the background  ?   You say that unelected bureaucrats are taking control , which is indeed worrying .   

These unelected bureaucrats , we are told , are intent on destroying Australia .  Young Andy Bolt and Rowan Dean ( the frustrated kid's show host ) remind us of that regularly .  Andy likes to refer to the " Destroy Australia Movement " .  It's not the cleverest sobriquet , and difficult to pronounce after a few whiskeys,  but we get the gist.

 The lads here often ask me why somebody would want to wreck their own country . Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews is accused of that every hour or two of late ,  but I can't come up with a single reason why he would deliberately trash his own nation .   You will have to help me with that Jonesie , perhaps  as you warn us , it has something to do with " communists  knocking at our doors"

 Folk are running scared these days . They even talk of having unsettling "Covid Dreams ".   I am a bit jumpy myself Jonesie . The other night I told the lads to shut up so I could listen to a gentle knocking at the front door .   My first thought was that it might be a communist , so I told Ken junior to go check it out while I looked for the trusty Lee- Enfield and loaded a cartridge .  It turned out to be Dog scratching a flea on the verandah . 

There is nothing like a surge of adrenaline on a full tummy to bugger a chap's REM sleep .   That night I dreamt that an unelected witch was running the country by spoon feeding the Prime Minister and manipulating the public service to her own ends .  She steered the entire government  down the "Road to Ruin " , until the Prime Minister was sacked  , but then suddenly reappeared as an evil propaganda mongering news anchor ,  intent on subjugating the populace with her cruel neoliberal agendum . 

You wouldn't read about it , would you  Jonesie ?   Except perhaps,  in a book by Niki Savva .  

It sure was a relief to wake up . 

 Your comrade ,  Ken .

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