Reference :- Andy Bolt tested his own blood on camera , causing confusion at The Sky Reply.
That was a great idea Andy . We were starting to feel a tad remorseful for questioning your manliness in a previous post , and what better way to prove your bona fides as a genuine Gregory Peck style manly gentleman than by spilling a droplet of your own haemoglobin in front of your audience . It was a shame you had so much difficulty squeezing a few corpuscles from your pricked finger . Gabbo reckons next time you should borrow that knife from Crocodile Dundee and try a wrist artery instead of a finger tip . ( Just joking Andy , Gabbo is quite a wag at times . )
Anyway , speaking of jokes , we tuned in to your show a bit late , just in time to see you pricking your digit for the test , but didn't know what you were testing for . Ken junior suggested it was a blood alcohol test , and Monte agreed , and thought that you might follow up with the results of a liver function test next week , to pad out one of your trademark meaningless rants . But Gabbo reckoned you wouldn't be crazy enough to risk it . Gabbo did suggest that it might be a DNA test , to assert the Aryan credentials of your double helices.
That was a troubling thought to me Andy . It behoves a chap to keep the lid closed on the Pandora's Box of his genome , lest any embellishment of his credentials is revealed . What if it turned out you were a direct descendant of Karl Marx ? Or worse still, there may be some unexpected "colourful " base sequences hidden in your chromosomes . Are you with me ?
Well thankfully it was only a new test to check for coronavirus . But Andy , it's probably best to not follow up with any more such public tests . Before you know it people could be suggesting you take an I.Q. test and as you know , nobody ever does well on those ridiculous things .
Your comrade , Ken .
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