Reference :- Though all the Sky News anchors appear to be running low on inspiration at present , Rowan Dean seems to be struggling more than the others .
Holy Cow Rowan , old chap . That last weather report was pretty disgraceful. The lads here at The Sky Reply thought they had tuned into a replay of a 1984 episode of Countdown. We know you usually steal somebody's music clip to spice up your segment when you have nothing of interest to say , which is understandable . But this time you overdid it more than somewhat .
Nonetheless the lads still got a few laughs out of watching you prance about . Monte reckons that a normal man couldn't produce such gyrations unless he had a gerbil jammed up his derriere , but I reckon it is all pure Rowan Dean talent .
Anyway , thanks for telling us about how cold it is in Canberra . It's even nippy here in the deep north , and we don't like the cold . You could feel the same , so you might like to know how we deal with the cold here at The Sky Reply .
Each time you show us how frigid it is here , with record cold and all , we tune in to the other hemisphere on the tele and find a place where everybody is baking to death in the record heat .
We don't take any pleasure from seeing folk suffer , but it sure takes the edge off feeling a bit chilly .
Oh , wait ! Monte just pointed out that judging from your knowledge of science , you might be a flat earther, and not believe that there are hemispheres . Obviously everybody is entitled to their own opinion and since the jury is still out on the theory that the world is globe shaped , perhaps I should rephrase . Lets just say that in some other part of the world there is always a record heatwave on the go . Especially since the first three months of this year have seen the hottest average global temperatures of the century.
Rug up well Rowan , we would hate to see you catch the flu .
Your comrade , Ken
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