Thursday, May 7, 2020

Reference :- Respected ambassador for Australia , the Honorable Craig Kelly MP reassured us that the insurance industry is in good shape .

Reference :-   Supported by his trademark meticulous research  Craig Kelly explains that insurance companies  have not paid more claims for damage from severe weather events , which proves there has been no climate change .

Well Craig , thanks to the generosity of Andrew Bolt , you have returned to Sky News . And as they say , we are always pleased to see your , I mean you're  back .   That was unfair of Mr Morrison , sending you to the corner of the classroom with a dunce hat just because you were set up by an interviewer in Old Blighty .   They are a shifty bunch , those pommie interviewers , and they sure took advantage of your uncomplicated aussie nature .   But Craig , who among us can honestly say that they have never disgraced  their entire homeland during an international news broadcast ?   Let he who is without sin cast the first stone , I say .

 Anyway , can you flick us the references for your claim that insurance companies are not experiencing an increase in  weather related claims ?  The Macquarie University study you ( sort of ) reference  doesn't actually support your argument . In fact Macquarie University  runs several courses that cover the impact of climate change , and how we must adapt to lessen the damage . 

 My mate Trevor , after suffering a near miss in the unchanged regular bushfire season decided to take  out fire insurance for the first time , only to find that no company will take him on .  Except one mob in Sydney , but their premiums are so high it would be cheaper for him to pay to have his house rebuilt in Italian marble .

 Trev reckons his cousin up in Bundaberg has had the same trouble with flood insurance . 

  Together we have looked at reports from dozens of insurance companies around the world . Obviously they need to talk with you , because all of them are pissing their pants over the impact of climate change on their bottom lines .    I am sure they would calm down if you explained why they have nothing to worry about .

  Trevor sure would appreciate your help , especially if you can put something together prior to the next unchanged regular bushfire season .

 Welcome back .  We were all due for a good laugh .    

Your comrade , Ken

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