Thursday, April 30, 2020

Reference : Today we have a double dose of good news to report ..

Reference :-  Not only is the feared  coronavirus spread  not happening , in Australia , but old Jack's thumb has got better .

 It is certainly great news that we haven't seen the spread of contagion like other countries .  Andy Bolt , though he hides his disgust well  , is certain that we overreacted .  He is a highly educated chap , with an IQ higher than a cat's back , like Mr Trump .  So I guess he could be right .

Nonetheless , good news is still good news , so we should rejoice .

 In other good news , old Jack's thumb is better .  Let me explain .     Jack lives in the barn out the back of the Kooralya railway station . He used to be a fettler back in the days when the trains were running .   A couple of weeks ago he cut his thumb with an axe while splitting kindling ready for the winter .   Jack just swore and finished the job with a hanky wrapped around his thumb . But over the next few days he started to feel crook, and then his thumb swelled up to the size , and colour , of a zucchini.

 We told him to go to the doctor , but Jack said he would kill the infection with rum , and refused to go .  Jack has a dreadful fear of syringes , and our local GP favours them since he never trusts anybody to take pills as prescribed .   Gabbo reckons Jack has "needle phobia " . But Monte reckons that's rubbish , and that Jack is just chicken .

Anyway , after a few days Jack was so crook that we took him to the doctor who gave him a penicillin shot in the backside , so he couldn't see the needle .   Jack howled and swore .   It's not that he can't tolerate pain .  He once pulled one of his own teeth with a pair of pliers rather than see the dentist because he was so afraid of getting a needle .

 Well the good news is that Jack is fine now .  When I  asked him how he was , he said he had never been better , and that the rum had worked.

"  I told you I didn't need to have that bloody needle ! " he said .

  Your comrade ,  Ken .

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